Cloud in spanish - English Spanish dictionary (2024)

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pronunciation: nube part of speech: noun

In gestures

Cloud in spanish - English Spanish dictionary (1) Cloud in spanish - English Spanish dictionary (2) Cloud in spanish - English Spanish dictionary (3) Cloud in spanish - English Spanish dictionary (4)


Example:The design depicts gods and muses in the clouds and is in the collection of the library.


» a cloud no bigger than a man's hand=problema pequeño.

Example:By 1980 I had decided that developments were moving sufficiently rapidly to justify a new edition, revised to take into account the growth in the use of computer-based services which in 1977 in Australia were a cloud no bigger than a man's hand.

» a cloud of=una grupo impreciso de, una nube de.

Example:Digerati is the digital version of literati and refers to a vague cloud of people seen to be knowledgeable, hip, or otherwise in-the-know in regards to the digital revolution.

» ash cloud=nube de ceniza.

Example:There are more flight disruptions in Belfast and Dublin because of an ash cloud from a volcano in Iceland.

» be in cloud cuckoo land=estar en Babia, estar en la luna de Valencia, vivir en las nubes, estar en la inopia, vivir en otro mundo.

Example:There are always those, who, if they cannot see any immediate relationship between what is being taught and the present state of practice, declare that the schools of librarianship are 'in cloud cuckoo land' or some other improbable location.

» be on cloud nine=estar en el séptimo cielo, estar en la gloria, tener la moral por las nubes.

Example:The author hypothesized that schizophrenia patients would show impaired idiom processing for literally plausible idioms (e.g., kick the bucket) but not for literally implausible idioms (e.g., be on cloud nine).

» cast + a (dark) cloud over=proyectar una (larga) sombra sobre, ensombrecer, poner en tela de juicio, poner en entredicho, poner en apuros.

Example:This change casts a dark cloud over the ability of the Chinese government to take difficult economic decisions ahead.

» cirrus cloud=nube cirro.

Example:The most common form of high-level clouds are thin and often wispy cirrus clouds.

» cloudburst=aguacero, chaparrón, lluvia intensa, lluvia torrencial, fuertes lluvias.

Example:There are spring freshets caused by heavy rainfalls and melting snows, and torrential floods of short duration caused by cloudbursts.

» cloud computing=computación en la nube.

Example:There are some who see cloud computing as a fad.

» cloud cover=formación nubosa, encapotamiento.

Example:Refinements allow the user to search for: the originating agency; the date of exposure; the image format; the cloud cover; satellite; etc..

» cloud forest=bosque de neblina, bosque de niebla, selva nublada.

Example:In Central and South America, cloud forest stretches from Panama to northern Argentina.

» cloud of ash=nube de ceniza.

Example:At the beginning of May the volcano started to spit clouds of ashes.

» cloud of dust=nube de polvo, polvareda.

Example:I should imagine that each time a book was removed from its shelf a cloud of dust would choke the air.

» cloud of mosquitoes=nube de mosquitos.

Example:At the same time, however, the clouds of mosquitoes themselves support a rich tapestry of bird life.

» cloud of points=nube de puntos.[En estadística, diagrama de dispersión]

Example:The Price Index is not a pure function of the mean or median reference age, but a well-defined relation in the form of a typical cloud of points.

» clouds + look + menacing=nubes + amenazar + lluvia, haber amenaza de lluvia, amenazar lluvia.

Example:The clouds look menacing and last night's heavy downpour makes me hesitant about attending the outdoor event.

» convective cloud=nube convectiva.

Example:The development of convective clouds are sometimes hard to follow due to the slow motion.

» cumuliform cloud=nube cumuliforme.

Example:A tornado is a violently rotating column of air, in contact with the ground, either pendant from a cumuliform cloud or underneath a cumuliform cloud.

» cumulus cloud=cúmulo.

Example:Waterspouts are almost always produced by a swiftly growing cumulus cloud.

» dark cloud=nubarrón.

Example:The article is entitled 'Dark clouds, silver linings: the 1977 Pittsburgh Conference'.

» dust cloud=nube de polvo, polvareda, remolino de polvo.

Example:Dust clouds may also play an important role in suppressing hurricane development.

» every cloud has a silver lining=no hay mal que por bien no venga.

Example:The conference was worthwhile, and that if the computer can force logical thought into librarians' minds and force out vagueness, then this will provide a silver lining for the blackest clouds.

» have + Posesivo + head in the clouds=tener la cabeza en las nubes, tener la cabeza llena de pájaros, tener pájaros en la cabeza, estar en Babia, vivir en la luna de Valencia.

Example:She was tall, portly while she was gangly, supportive while she tended to be domineering, sober while she loved her drink, and rooted in the earth while she often had her head in the clouds.

» head in the clouds=cabeza llena de pájaros.

Example:The title of the conference was 'Head in the clouds, feet on the ground: serials vision and common sense'.

» live in + cloud cuckoo land=estar en Babia, estar en la luna de Valencia, vivir en las nubes, estar en la inopia, vivir en otro mundo.

Example:He argued that those who believe the status quo is the best way forward for sustainable development were living in cloud cuckoo land.

» mosquito cloud=nube de mosquitos.

Example:Dirt roads, no electricity, one-room school a mile away, below zero blizzards in the winter, and mosquito clouds in the summer.

» mushroom cloud=hongo nuclear, hongo atómico, nube nuclear.[Nube que se levante en forma de hongo del lugar donde ha habido una explosión nuclear]

Example:The symbolism of the mushroom cloud is deeply evocative for adults, albeit fraught with ambiguity.

» periodic clouds=nubes dispersas.

Example:The current forecast for Sunday's race is clear and sunny skies with periodic clouds.

» Posesivo + head + be + in the clouds=tener la cabeza en las nubes, tener la cabeza llena de pájaros, tener pájaros en la cabeza, estar en Babia, vivir en la luna de Valencia.

Example:She all too often gets lost in conversation and although her feet are on the ground, her head is in the clouds.

» scattered clouds=nubes dispersas.

Example:Scattered clouds with a few lingering rain showers will be possible through early Sunday, with gradual clearing expected in the afternoon.

» smoke + Reflexivo + into a cloud=fumar hasta desaparecer en una nube de humo.

Example:She sat back in her chair, crossed her legs, lighted a cigarette, and smoked herself into a cloud.

» storm cloud=nube de tormenta, nubarrón.

Example:The article is entitled 'Storm clouds on the horizon: CIPA and the future of the Internet'.

» storm clouds + gather=tormenta + avecinarse, tormenta + amenazar.

Example:Storm clouds gather as another British institution falls by the wayside.

» stratiform cloud=nube estratiforme.

Example:Stratiform clouds, in contrast, typically cover much larger areas and are caused by much broader layers of more slowly rising air.

» there + be + storm clouds on the horizon=tormenta + avecinarse, tormenta + amenazar.

Example:While the long-term future of the property market looks relatively bright, there may be some potential storm clouds on the horizon.

» thick cloud=nube espesa, nubosidad abundante.

Example:Orange County should see its coolest day of the week Friday with thick clouds promising light rain.

» threatening clouds=nubes amenazadoras.

Example:I looked up at the sky and saw threatening clouds and approaching darkness.

» to every cloud, there is a silver lining=no hay mal que por bien no venga.

Example:As the saying goes, to every cloud, there is a silver lining.

» volcanic ash cloud=nube de ceniza volcánica.

Example:Flights were back to normal yesterday after the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud returned to ground further flights from Exeter Airport.

» walk (a)round with + Posesivo + head in the clouds=andar con la cabeza en las nubes.

Example:After all, a man with responsibilities can't walk around with his head in the clouds all the time.

» with + Posesivo + head in the clouds=con la cabeza llena de pájaros, en Babia, en la luna de Valencia.

Example:With his head in the clouds he has failed to notice that he is venturing toward the edge of the cliff top that his path has become.

cloud2=empañar, enturbiar, confundir.

Example:Whilst library schools should continue to concentrate upon traditional priorities and the obsession with machines and techniques should not cloud those priorities.


» cloud over=nublarse.

Example:By early afternoon, the skies began to cloud over and the wind began to increase ever so slightly.

» cloud over=enturbiarse.

Example:He has great difficulty seeing now because the lenses inside his eyes have become clouded over.

» cloud + Posesivo + judgement=ofuscar la mente.

Example:One particularly complex situation clouded my judgment and led me to imprudent decisions with harmful consequences.

» cloud + Posesivo + mind=ofuscar la mente.

Example:The development of alphabets altered human consciousness and the linearity of written language clouding our minds to the multidimensionality of human thought.

» cloud + the issue=complicar la situación.

Example:Against a background of the southern caste system and negative attitudes to Black education, disagreements among Black leaders tended to cloud the issues.

» cloud + the picture=confundir la situación.

Example:The complexities inherent in Canadian studies cloud the collection development picture and obscure the appropriate direction to take.

» cloud + the view=confundir la situación.

Example:The author stresses the need to distinguish between fact and opinion and to make explicit all sorts of assumptions and vaguenesses that tend to cloud the view.

Cloud synonyms

obscure in spanish: oscuro, pronunciation: əbskjʊr part of speech: adjective, verb corrupt in spanish: corrupto, pronunciation: kɜrʌpt part of speech: adjective mist in spanish: niebla, pronunciation: mɪst part of speech: noun defile in spanish: desfiladero, pronunciation: dɪfaɪl part of speech: noun, verb fog in spanish: niebla, pronunciation: fɑg part of speech: noun taint in spanish: mancha, pronunciation: teɪnt part of speech: noun, verb sully in spanish: manchar, pronunciation: sʌli part of speech: noun overcast in spanish: nublado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrkæst part of speech: adjective mottle in spanish: motear, pronunciation: mɑtəl part of speech: verb dapple in spanish: tordillo, pronunciation: dæpəl part of speech: noun befog in spanish: nublar, pronunciation: bɪfɔg part of speech: verb becloud in spanish: oscurecer, pronunciation: bɪklʌd part of speech: verb haze over in spanish: haze over, pronunciation: heɪzoʊvɜr part of speech: verb

Cloud antonyms

clear pronunciation: klɪr part of speech: adjective brighten pronunciation: braɪtən part of speech: verb light up pronunciation: laɪtʌp part of speech: verb clear up pronunciation: klɪrʌp part of speech: verb

Cloud in spanish -  English Spanish dictionary (2024)


What is the Spanish word for cloudy? ›

nublado (FEM nublada)

Is cloud masculine or feminine in Spanish? ›

"Nube" is a feminine singular noun, and in Spanish, the definite article must agree with the noun following it, in terms of number and gender. "La" is the feminine singular definite article in Spanish, therefore if you'd like to say, "the cloud" in Spanish, you'd say, "la nube".

What is the noun of answer in Spanish? ›

respuesta (Spanish → English) – DeepL Translate.

What is cloud translation English? ›

Cloud Translation enables your websites and applications to dynamically translate text programmatically through an API. Translation uses a Google pre-trained or a custom machine learning model to translate text.

What is the cloud slang? ›

noun. out of touch with reality. “his head was in the clouds”

How do you say foggy weather in Spanish? ›

Spanish Vocabulary for Weather:

Fog is said in Spanish niebla. The adjective that derives from this word could be neblinoso.

What is the Spanish word for sunshine? ›

'Sunshine' in Spanish can be la luz del sol, which literally translates to 'the light of the sun. ' However, you can also simply say el sol if the context is clear. El sol means 'the sun,' but it can also means 'sunlight' or 'sunshine.

What is nube? ›

Nube is an almost invisible dwarf galaxy discovered by an international research team led by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) in collaboration with the University of La Laguna (ULL) and other institutions.

What does cloud mean in Latin? ›

Nimbus: The Latin word, nimbus, means 'rainstorm' or 'cloud'. Regardless, of height or appearance, if a cloud has nimbus in the name, it is a rain (or snow) maker.

Why is it la calle and not el calle? ›

Spanish nouns are either masculine or feminine and depending on that they either take 'el' if they are masculine singular; 'los' if they are masculine plural. Likewise, they take 'la' if they are feminine singular or 'las' if they are feminine plural.

What is Spanish for to dance? ›

Bailar: To Dance. The main English translation for the Spanish verb bailar is 'to dance.

What is the verb to rest in Spanish? ›

To talk about all this in Spanish, you need the verb descansar (pronounced: dehs-kahn-SAHR), which means 'to rest'.

How to answer no to a question in Spanish? ›

OJO: To answer a “yes / no question” in the negative in Spanish, the word “no” is typically used twice because there is no equivalent for the word “not” in English. The first “no” answers the question and the second is the equivalent of “not”: ¿Estudia Julia en casa?

What's slang words in Spanish? ›

Spanish slang in Spain
Spanish slang wordSpanish pronunciationEnglish meaning
FliparFlee-parTo go crazy
¡Venga!Venn-gahLet's go!
8 more rows
Feb 6, 2022

What does Comodo mean in Spanish? ›

Word forms: cómodo, FEM cómoda. adjective. 1. comfortable.

What does Borra mean in Spanish slang? ›

delete, erase, wipe out, obliterate, efface.

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