1. I have set up an account on the inPOL foreigner portal. How can I make an appointment?
After logging in, a window showing the functionalities of the inPOL Foreigner Portal appears. We choose the option <submit a new application>, then the legalization procedure and the circ*mstance constituting the basis of your stay in Poland. Complete all fields of the application form. If any field is left blank or is filled in incorrectly, the system will inform you about it, indicating the wrong value. After filling in the form correctly and without errors, select the option <generate request>.
In the next step, add scans of documents relevant to your legalization procedure, U can attach max 15 files. Take the original documents and copies for presentation during your visit to the office, which you will arrange immediately after generating the application, selecting the available location and the date for submitting the application.
Remember that the mere generation of the application does not constitute a confirmation of its submission, so download the application using the <download> button, print the completed application, sign it and bring it to the appointment along with the necessary documents. Only applications generated via the Foreigner Portal inPOL will be accepted.
2. I have completed the application and uploaded the documents to the system, do I have to bring them to the office visit?
Yes, because generating the application and uploading the documents does not constitute a confirmation of their submission, so download the application using the <download> button, print the completed application, sign it and bring it along with the necessary documents to the appointment.
3. I made a mistake when filling out the application, can I correct it?
Yes, but only at the stage of filling it in. The application cannot be corrected after it has been generated. In this case, you must complete the application again. Please o carefully checking requests before generating them.
4. What is the "assignment code" and what is the "Assign case" option available for after selecting the "Add case" function?
The assign case function is provided for people who submitted applications via post or the registry office without using the Foreigner Portal inPOL. You will receive the assignment code in an SMS or e-mail confirming the registration of your application by the Office. The next step of the client is to create an account in the Foreigner Portal inPOL and assign the case registered by the Office using the received code.
5. In the case of families, is it necessary to create a profile / account for each family member separately?
No, because the Foreigner Portal inPOL allows you to fill in applications for all family members. Applications of minor children can be related with the parent's account. It is still at your disposal for your convenience online form, which also allows you to arrange a date for personal submission of applications to the Office. You must appear at the appointment with applications generated via the inPOL system. Only applications generated through it will be accepted.
6. Will I be sending requests for pending procedures via the portal?
Is the request delivered via the portal considered successfully delivered or will the correspondence continue to be sent via Poczta Polska? You will still receive requests for cases submitted to the office in paper form during an appointment or by post. In the Foreigner Portal inPOL you will also be able to view the summons addressed to you.
NOTE, please remember that the administrative deadlines run from the moment of receiving the summons at the office or receiving the correspondence. The appearance of the request earlier on the Foreigner Portal inPOL is not tantamount to the start of the deadline for the delivery of documents.
7. How can I complete the missing documents?
Missing documents (originals or notarial copies) for cases established on the Foreigner Portal inPOL should be sent by post or submitted at the Customer Service Point of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship Office in Warsaw, pl. Bankowy 3/5, entrance F from Al. Solidarności. Documents submitted in this way are not subject to verification and are not certified as true copies of the original.
8.Is it possible to register an account by a foreigner's attorney?
The Foreigner Portal inPOL is dedicated to foreigners. You make your personal data and documents available to other people at your own risk and responsibility. The purpose of the Foreigner Portal inPOL is to facilitate and accelerate the process of legalizing your stay, thanks to which you can:
- complete the application correctly and completely;
- attach documents relevant to your case;
- make an appointment with the office to submit documents and give your fingerprints;
- pay the stamp duty;
- at any time and from anywhere check the status of your case.
9. I have noticed an error in the system. Where can I report it?
You can report any comments and errors regarding the functioning of the Foreigner Portal inPOL by e-mail to the address: inpol-pomoc@mazowieckie.pl
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