How to find hidden cameras: 10 detection methods (2024)

Have you ever wondered if there are hidden cameras in hotels, vacation rentals, or other places you’ve been in? Learn how to protect your privacy when you’re away from home with our top 10 tips on how to find hidden cameras. Then, get Norton 360 Deluxe with its built-in SafeCam feature1 to help you secure your own webcam and keep you safer online.

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Imagine spending the money on a relaxingvacationonly todiscover you've been watched the entire time.

While this may sound like the plot of a new horror movie, it hasunfortunately become a reality for many travelers.

For perspective, more than one in10 guestshave discovered a hidden camera in their Airbnb.

And it doesn't stop there, as people have discovered hiddencameras inpublicrestrooms,hotelrooms,dressingrooms, and more.

Even though hidden cameras are sometimes used outside the houseforhomesecurity, some perpetrators may use them for nefarious purposes, such as snooping on your personal life and invading your privacy.

Because of this, knowing how to detect hidden cameras has neverbeen more important to protect your personal privacy. To help you in yoursearch, we’ve pared down 10 different hidden camera detection methods:

Follow this guide to learn more about how to find hiddencameras, their common hiding spots, what they look like, and what to do if youfind one.

Let’s get started.

1.Look for suspicious objects

If you think you may be in an area that has hidden cameras, agood starting point is completing a thorough physical search of yoursurroundings. While scanning the room, keep an eye out for any objects thatlook out of the ordinary. If it’s an area you've been in before, check and seeif anything looks as if it has been moved or rearranged.

During your search, be sure to pay close attention to objectsthat are commonly used as hidden cameras or as ways to disguise them, includingclocks, smoke detectors, wall decor, and USB charging blocks.

If you find anything that appears suspicious, be sure to coverthe camera and unplug it if you can. In some cases, hidden cameras may havebuilt-in batteries that allow them to run even after they’re unplugged.

2.Check for lights

Another helpful way to quickly locate a hidden camera is tocheck for lights. To do this, be sure to get the room as dark as possible. Youcan do this by waiting until nighttime, closing all your blinds, and shutting offor unplugging any trusted light sources.

Then, look around the room for any objects that emit light.While this isn’t true for all devices, some hidden cameras may have a small LEDlight that will blink or shine in the darkness.

3.Use a flashlight

In some cases, you may be able to check for hidden cameras byusing a flashlight. Like the last detection method, you’ll want to get the roomas dark as possible. Then, shine the flashlight around the room and checkcarefully for any tiny reflections.

These reflections may be blue or purple and could be coming froma small camera lens. Once you see a reflection, make sure you give the object aclose inspection to determine if it’s a hidden camera.

4.Check any mirrors

Some clever creeps even go as far as hiding cameras behind atwo-way mirror. Fortunately, there is a simple way you can check and see if themirrors in your area are safe or if they’re two-way mirrors in disguise.

To test your mirror, start by placing the tip of your finger onthe surface of the mirror. After doing so, look at the gap between yourfingertip and its reflection. If there is a visible gap between the two, it’s areal mirror. If it appears as if your fingertip and its reflection are touchingtip to tip, it may be a two-way mirror and could have a camera behind it.

You can also detect a two-way mirror by knocking on it. Knockingon a two-way mirror will result in a hollow sound compared to a real mirror.

5.Use your smartphone camera

Many types of hidden cameras emit infrared light while in use.While you won’t be able to see this yourself, your smartphone might be able tohelp. To test if your smartphone camera can detect infrared light, you can usean infrared remote control such as a TV remote.

First, try pointing your phone camera at the end of the remote.If your smartphone screen shows a burst of purple or white light, that’s a signthat your camera is picking up the infrared light. In most cases, it will beyour device’s front-facing camera that works, as many rear-facing cameras haveinfrared filters.

If your smartphone passes the remote test, you’ll want to getyour room as dark as you can. Then, use your phone camera to scan the room todetect and examine any sources of infrared light.

6.Scan your Wi-Fi network

Some hidden cameras may connect to the internet so they can bemonitored remotely. If a hidden camera uses Wi-Fi and is connected to the samenetwork as you, you may have a chance of detecting the camera via a scan ofyour wireless network.

To scan yourWi-Finetworkto detect hidden cameras, you’ll first need to download anetwork scanning application. To do so, open your smartphone's native app storeand search “network scanner.” Once you find an application you like, install itand follow the instructions.

For a network scanner to work, you’ll need to be connected tothe Wi-Fi router you’re looking to scan. While looking at the app’s results,keep an eye out for any device names that you don’t recognize or seemsuspicious, like “IPcamera,” for example.

7.Check for signal interference

In addition to infrared light, many surveillance cameras alsoemit radio waves that can disrupt nearby phone calls. For example, you mayexperience annoying buzzing or crackling during a phone call if you’re close toa hidden camera.

To use this detection method, call a family member or friend andask them to stay on the line. During your call, slowly walk around the area andlisten closely for any interference. If you notice a decrease in call qualityin certain areas, you may be close to a hidden camera. If so, check the areathoroughly for anything suspicious.

Keep in mind that this method isn’t a guarantee, as not allcameras will interfere with a phone call. On the flip side, your phone could beinterfering with other signals or have bad reception unrelated to a hiddencamera.

8.Use a hidden camera detector app

Another way you can use your smartphone to help find hiddencameras is to download a hidden camera detector app. When searching for ahidden camera detector app, be sure to stick to your device’s native app store,asthird-partyapp storesmay containmalware.

This method is a solid option for detecting hidden camerasbecause many of the apps combine multiple techniques, including Wi-Fi scanning,Bluetoothscanning, and infrared detection. Once you’ve downloaded the app, be sure tocarefully follow the instructions to ensure you’re taking the best steps tofind a hidden camera.

9.Use a hidden camera detector

As an alternative method to smartphone apps, you can purchase aspecialized device to find hidden cameras. These spy camera detectors work byscanning for radio frequency (RF) signals, which are electromagnetic waves usedby hidden cameras and other electronics to transmit information through theair. These devices can be found online at websites such as Amazon, with pricesranging from $20 to hundreds of dollars.

If you go this route, be sure to carefully follow theinstructions that come with your device. Common household items such as kitchenappliances,Wi-Firouters, and TVs may interfere with your detection device, sounplugging them is the safest bet. When in doubt, refer to the manual that camewith your device to best perform your hidden camera search.

While this is a more expensive method in comparison to theothers, these devices are specifically designed for locating hidden cameras. Ifthe other detection methods are unsuccessful and you’re still suspicious thatthere is a camera in your area, purchasing a hidden camera detector may beworth the investment.

Please note that certain hidden cameras can use multiplefrequencies that alternate rapidly and may be undetectable to some hiddencamera detectors. Fortunately, surveillance cameras with such capabilities aremuch more expensive and are less likely to be used.

10.Hire a professional

Whether the other detection methods come up short or you’drather sit back and let the pros do the work for you, hiring an expert can be areliable way to ensure the area is free of any privacy threats.

By hiring a specialist, you can benefit from their expertise andspecialized equipment without having to purchase any equipment yourself. Whenlooking for a qualified professional in your area, be sure to do your researchand read any available reviews before making your decision.

Mostcommon places to spot hidden cameras

How to find hidden cameras: 10 detection methods (2)

No matter which detection method you use, there are commonobjects and places that frequently house hidden cameras. Some hidden camerascan even be as small as a screw, making them difficult to find with a quickglance. Because of this, it’s important that you pay extra close attention tothese common objects and hiding spots, including:·

  • Smoke detectors
  • Pens
  • Books
  • Light bulbs
  • DVD cases
  • Clocks and alarm clocks
  • Stuffed toys
  • Lamps
  • Doorbells
  • Wall decor
  • Power strips
  • Decorative plants
  • USB charger blocks
  • Two-way mirrors
  • Night lights
  • Air filters
  • Tiny holes in the wall
  • Screws
  • Computer mice
  • Clothes hooks
  • Electrical outlets
  • Bookshelves
  • Showerheads
  • Vents
  • Picture frames
  • Plug-in air fresheners
  • Keyholes

Keep in mind that hidden cameras can come in various shapes andsizes, and this isn't a complete list. While this is a great place to start,nosy perpetrators may have their own unique ways of hiding cameras. Now thatyou know where to look for hidden cameras, let’s cover what you should do ifyou find one.

Whatto do if you find a hidden camera: 5 steps

How to find hidden cameras: 10 detection methods (3)

If you do find a hidden camera in your search, your instinct maybe to destroy or disconnect it. This is not advised, as touching it canaccidentally ruin any fingerprints that could be useful in an investigation.Instead, follow these steps:

  1. Take a picture of the hidden camera fordocumentation.
  2. If possible, use a towel or blanket to coverup the device.
  3. If you can't cover the device, move yourselfand your belongings out of the camera’s view.
  4. Contact local law enforcement and follow theirinstructions.

If you found a hidden camera in a hotel or vacation rental, youmay want to reach out to the hotel or vacation rental company directly. Avoidpersonally reaching out to the rental host, as it can alert them that they’vebeen caught and may prompt them to try to cover their tracks by destroyingevidence.

Now that you know how to exercisegoodcyber hygienehabits like how to find hidden cameras, you can navigate vacationrentals, hotel rooms, and other private spaces with an enhanced sense ofprivacy. Safe travels!

FAQsabout how to find hidden cameras

Still have questions? To learn more about how to find hiddencameras, read through these answers to some commonly asked questions.

Why dopeople use hidden cameras?

People use hidden cameras for a variety of reasons — someethical and others not. For example, a vacation rental host may have an outdoorsecurity camera for protection in the event of a break-in. On the other hand, ahidden camera inside the home may be used for nefarious behavior, such assnooping on your personal life.

If you find a hidden camera somewhere you’d expect privacy, suchas your home, hotel, rental home, or a public bathroom, it may have been placedby a perpetrator looking to spy on you. In these cases, the camera could be setup to:

  • Record you for extortion
  • Pull a prank
  • Record your intimate moments
  • Snoop for confidentialpersonalinformation
  • Capture footage to sell on thedark web

What dohidden cameras look like?

Hidden cameras can come in all shapes and sizes and may behidden in or disguised as common household objects, such as smoke detectors orUSB charger blocks. As a commonality between all cameras, keep an eye out foranything resembling a camera lens.

Can youuse your cell phone to find hidden cameras?

Yes, you can use your cell phone to help with finding hiddencameras in your home by:

  • Using a spy camera detector app
  • Placing a phone call to check for interference
  • Using the camera to detect infrared light
  • Using a Wi-Fi scanner app

How dopeople disguise hidden cameras?

There are many ways that someone can disguise a hidden camera.They may purchase one that already looks like a common household item or try tohide it within another object like a picture frame, smoke detector, or two-waymirror.

Arehidden cameras illegal?

Generally speaking, installing hidden cameras is illegal in anyarea where you have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Because of this,hidden cameras in vacation rentals, hotel rooms, public restrooms, dressingrooms, and other private spaces are illegal.

Keep in mind, however, that cameras can still legally be placedin lobbies or other public spaces for security purposes if you’re informed. Forexample,Airbnb’s camerapoliciesstate that any cameras must be mentioned in the listing forthem to be acceptable. Airbnb also mentions that any intentionally concealedrecording devices are never permitted.

It's important to note that surveillance laws may differ betweenstates and countries. When in doubt, always contact your local law enforcementwhenever you’re dealing with a suspicious surveillance camera.

How dohidden camera detectors work?

Many hidden camera detectors work by scanning for RF signals andthen using either a sound and/or a light to indicate its presence, allowing youto easily locate a hidden camera.

How canI disable a hidden camera?

If you find one, disabling a hidden camera is not recommended,as it can destroy any fingerprints that may be useful in a policeinvestigation. Instead, cover up the camera if possible or move yourself andyour belongings out of its view.

How totell if a screw is a hidden camera?

A hidden screw camera will have a noticeably larger screw headcompared to most screws. Within this large screw head will be a tiny cameralens. These types of hidden cameras will also have hidden wires connecting thehidden camera to a power source.

How to find hidden cameras: 10 detection methods (4)

1 SafeCam features are only available on Windows (excluding Windows in S mode and Windows running on ARM processor).

How to find hidden cameras: 10 detection methods (2024)


How to detect hidden cameras on listening devices? ›

Use a Camera Detector App

These apps, also known as hidden camera detectors, work by detecting electromagnetic fields or infrared signals emitted by electronic devices. When the app detects a signal indicative of a hidden camera or microphone, it will alert the user by displaying a notification or making a sound.

Can my phone detect hidden cameras? ›

Some hidden cameras emit radio frequency (RF) signals, which can be picked up by an RF detector app on your phone. These apps can detect the presence of hidden cameras by identifying the RF signals emitted by the camera. Some popular RF detector apps include RF Detector, Fing Hidden Camera Detector, and Glint Finder.

Is there a real hidden camera detector app? ›

Hidden Camera Detector is an app that helps detect suspicious hidden security cameras in places around you, e.g. hotel rooms, apartments, changing rooms and more. It is designed to protect the privacy and ensure the security of a user's personal space.

How do I know if camera is on in my room? ›

Follow these steps to check for hidden cameras in dark conditions:
  1. Darken the Room: Start by making the room as dark as possible. ...
  2. Search for Indicator LEDs: In the dark, carefully look for small, blinking lights. ...
  3. Shine a Flashlight Across the Room: Use a flashlight to scan the room thoroughly.
Dec 12, 2023

How to tell if a room is bugged? ›

There are a few signs that may indicate that your house is bugged. These include strange noises or clicking sounds on your phone, unexpected interference on your TV or radio, and unexplained changes in your home's electrical system.

What does a hidden microphone look like? ›

A hidden microphone will usually be a small, black shape that can be tucked into tiny areas. Look for a wire coming off of it, either leading to something else or working as an antenna.

What does a listening device look like? ›

Every listening device will appear slightly different, but they'll usually look like the following: Very small and round, usually no more than 0.5 inches (1cm) Black or silver plated, with a hole in the center. Similar to a small microchip.

How do you find a hidden camera with a flashlight? ›

Turn on the flashlight and turn off the lights in your room. Pan the flashlight around the room. Go slowly and examine any suspicious positions from different angles. If you notice any reflective lights from an object, there might be a hidden camera there.

How to find hidden camera in mirror? ›

Observe the gap between your finger and mirror.

If there's a gap between your finger and the image, it's a real mirror. If you finger and the image touch tip to tip, there might be a hidden spy camera in the mirror.

How to tell if a smoke detector is a hidden camera? ›

If you observe either white or purple lights, there is likely a hidden camera within the smoke detector. If you notice a manufacturer or a brand name among the connected devices, it& may be the producer of a hidden camera.

Are hidden camera detectors real? ›

Modern Spy Cameras Discovery Methods

This type of spy camera detector shines a laser light on the CCD and CMOS material behind the lens and it scintillates. Government-level and high-end $$$$ detectors use laser light to create this scintillation. It is this generated light that gives away a hidden camera's location.

How to detect electronic devices? ›

The NLJD antenna head is a transceiver (transmitter and receiver) that radiates a digital spread spectrum signal to determine the presence of electronic components. When the energy encounters semi-conductor junctions (diodes, transistors, circuit board connections, etc.), a harmonic signal returns to the receiver.

How to detect hidden camera using iPhone? ›

Simply open the OUTFIND app and scan the room you're in to find any hidden cameras or suspicious devices. The OutFind app can find hidden camera lenses and devices using infrared detection technology. Scan and detect any electromagnetic fields coming from hidden devices.

How to tell if a security camera is recording you? ›

Check for a blinking or solid light on the camera itself. A red or green light may indicate whether it's actively recording. Recording Icons or Text: Some cameras display a recording icon or text on the video feed when they are actively recording. Look for any on-screen indicators within the camera's live view.

Do hidden cameras make noise? ›

Hidden cameras are designed to be as discrete as possible, but many will still emit a slight sound when they are working. When the area of suspected surveillance is as quiet as possible, walk around slowly to listen out for any buzzing or slight clicking noises that might be coming from a hidden camera.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.