Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (2024)

League of Legends has come a long way since its early days. With champions of all genres joining the rift, things have been hectic. Amongst all this chaos, there’s one dreamy girl that aims to be a pop star. However, the keen-eyed amongst you might have observed that playing Seraphine is not as big of a child’s play as it might initially seem!

So what’s the hard part? Well, for starters, you have your long-range AoE abilities; you have a bunch of healing and shielding; and you got everything else you need in order to help your ADC succeed to victory. Yet somehow, there’s a 3/8 assassin just blowing your carry up!

What went wrong? Could you have done anything better? Is there proper etiquette for playing Seraphine Support in season 13? Let’s talk all about it and more, in the comprehensive guide below!

Also check out: Seraphine laning guide for League of Legends

Table of Content

Seraphine – The Starry-Eyed Support

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (1)

Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress, is a captivating champion in the world of League of Legends. She’s a mage-support, known for her enchanting melodies that can charm and disorient her enemies while buffing her allies. Her unique abilities allow her to provide powerful crowd control, utility, and sustain to her team.

She’s an older addition to the game, having been released in 2020. She’s still plenty popular amongst players, thanks to her ability to control the battlefield with her musical powers. Seraphine is more than just a champion, she’s a true artist, as she expresses herself through her music and uses it to inspire and empower those around her.

Seraphine – Ability Rundown

In order to get started, it’s essential to know what Seraphine does and how you – as a player – can make use of that information to make bank for your AD carry.

So on that note, here’s a brief rundown of her abilities and their proper use cases in League of Legends:

Passive – Stage Presence

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Seraphine’s every third ability cast will echo – allowing her to recast that particular ability once more. This second cast will have enhanced effects that will transform that particular ability’s effect.

In addition, Seraphine also creates stacks of Notes whenever she casts her abilities near an allied champion. The more champions she has near her, the more Notes will be produced.

These stacks buff her basic attacks by granting them enhanced range and additional magic damage. Upon auto-attacking with this empowered stance, all of Seraphine’s Notes are consumed.

Q – High Note

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Seraphine unleashes a pure note that deals AoE damage in the specified area. This ability is projectile-based until it hits the ground and then converts into a quickly expanding circle that damages enemies within.

High Note deals more damage depending on the missing health of the target and will have the same effect as the base one upon echoing.

Tips For Utilizing High Note

Here’s what you need to remember when using High Note:

  • Since High Note deals more damage based on the target’s missing health, it’s an effective tool for whittling down the enemy laners’ health before engaging in an all-in fight.
  • The ability creates a quickly expanding circle that damages enemies within, so aim for the center of the enemy team in team fights to maximize the damage dealt.
  • High Note deals area-of-effect damage, making it an effective tool for clearing waves of minions and pushing the lane. This can be especially useful when your AD Carry is not present.
  • It can be a great tool for resetting bad wave states, but be sure to coordinate with your ADC beforehand as it will make them miss a lot of minions as a tradeoff.
  • Remember that High Note’s Echo effect amplifies the base ability’s effect, so try to use it when it’s most beneficial. For example, when the enemy laner is low on health, use High Note to deal additional damage and secure the kill.
  • Be mindful of the mana cost of this ability, it’s important to use it at the right moment, keep an eye on your mana pool, and don’t overuse it. Since you’re a support, starting off with Tear of the Goddes isn’t really an option.

W – Surround Sound

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Seraphine’s voice radiates in a circle, granting movement speed and shielding to the allies within. If Seraphine is shielded, then Surround Sound becomes a wide area heal.

The potency of this heal is entirely dependent on the number of allies present in the circle. The echo effect of this ability will always produce the healing effect since the first cast makes Seraphine enter a shielded state!

Tips For Utilizing Surround Sound

Here’s everything you need to know when casting Surround Sound:

  • The ability creates a zone around Seraphine that grants increased movement speed to allies within it, which can be especially useful for helping your AD Carry escape from enemy abilities or for catching up to enemies trying to flee.
  • When using the base ability, Seraphine will grant herself and the allies around her a shield that will absorb damage, which can be very useful to survive a trade or a gank.
  • Don’t intentionally use Surround Sound to tank damage. Believe it or not, you’re still squishy. So act like it, and don’t do trying to be a tank with a flimsy shield.
  • Use Surround Sound to protect yourself and your AD Carry from poke damage. The shield effect will absorb decent amounts of poke damage.
  • Be mindful of the cooldown timer of this ability. Simply put, it’s huge, so use it sparingly!

E – Beat Drop

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (5)

Seraphine sends a heavy soundwave in a specified direction that slows down and damages each enemy it passes through.

If an enemy is under the slow effect when hit with Beat Drop, they will be rooted in place for a brief moment.

The Echo effect of this ability will result in a root. However, both notes have a small distance in between, making them dodgeable. Therefore, the root is not guaranteed if the enemy dodges either part.

Tips For Utilizing Beat Drop

Here’s everything you need to know when casting Beat Drop:

  • The soundwave can be used to interrupt important enemy ability castings, like slowing their positioning process for ultimates or to set up kills on low-health enemies.
  • Try to hit as many enemies as possible with Beat Drop. Since it’s a phasing ability, the more enemies you hit with it, the more impactful it will be.
  • The ability can slow down and root an enemy, so use it to set up kills for your AD Carry or other allies.
  • The slow effect of the base ability can be used to escape from a fight or to prevent an enemy from chasing, use it as a defensive tool.
  • Don’t put blind faith in this ability. The animation time is enough to make it dodgeable, and the slow travel rate just adds insult to injury. This is not your trump card, it’s just another tool to try out.

Also read: 7 Most Annoying Supports to Play Against

R – Encore

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Seraphine finally takes the stage, unleashing a wave of magic damage that charms the enemies being hit by it. All allied and enemy champions caught in the wave extend the ability’s range – allowing it to extend further than what’s usually possible.

Your allies will gain maximum notes under the ability’s effects while your enemies will be charmed while taking magic damage.

Tips for Utilizing Encore

Here’s everything you need to keep in might before utilizing Encore:

  • The ability deals damage to all enemies within a large area and also charms them for a brief period of time. This can be used to start a fight and disrupt the enemy team.
  • Try to hit as many enemies as possible with Encore. Since it’s an area of effect ability, the more enemies you hit with it, the more impactful it will be.
  • Use Encore to set up kills. The charm effect of the ability can be used to set up kills for your AD Carry or other allies.
  • Take advantage of the ability’s range. Encore’s range will be extended by the presence of allied and enemy champions, so try to position it to hit as many enemies as possible, and also try to have many allies nearby to maximize the range.
  • Use Encore to turn the tide of a fight. The charm effect can change the outcome of a fight, so use it to turn a losing fight into a winning one.
  • Try to coordinate the use of this ability with your allies since it’s a key ultimate. Don’t just throw it out recklessly and waste the opportunity. There’s no benefit in that!

Roaming and Warding With Seraphine

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Seraphine is not typically considered a strong roaming champion due to her abilities being more focused on supporting her allies in close range. Her abilities are best used in conjunction with her allies, and her escape options are limited. Therefore, it’s important to play defensively and not overextend too far from her allies.

Instead, her main focus should be on warding near her team, in order to provide vision and map control for her team. She should also prioritize staying near her allies and using her abilities to support them in fights.

There’s no need to roam that much on Seraphine. You don’t have the surefire crowd control needed to secure that many kills. Instead, try to stick with your AD carry and your team to ensure you’re not losing out on any parts of the map.

In order to achieve this, the Watchful Wardstone might be a good purchase option, considering you can never go wrong with Control Wards on support that does not benefit much from getting more damage.

What’s the Best Build On Seraphine?

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With so much to do on the rift and so little time to do it, it’s only natural for you to get lost when it comes to selecting build options for Seraphine. She is an enchanter, yet she deals decent damage. So which route works best for her?

To answer this question, let’s re-evaluate her gameplay intent. Does she want to hog all the kills and carry the game based on damage? Is she capable of barreling through hordes of enemies to be the one to tank everything? Or does she simply want to enable her allies?

With our sights set on a clear goal, let’s explore build options for her:

Starting Items

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As a support, Seraphine doesn’t have many options when it comes to choosing starting items. Just pick a Spellthief’s edge to aid with her mana regen, and help her earn gold since she’s the poking type.

Therefore, defensive support items like Steel Shoulderguards aren’t very effective on her. Having said that, you can alternate between the healing potions and a Control Ward – depending on the estimated oppression from your enemies and your initial game plan.

Here are some potential reasons to buy a control ward instead of the healing potion:

  • When your Jungler intends to gank level 2: Having vision control is oh-so-important here.
  • The lane is exceptionally passive: None of the sides have kill threats on each other, so you’re just farming into LoL state.
  • You’re not getting poked: The enemy lakers have no ability to harass you.
  • Sneaking an early ward in: Being your Jungler’s hero/heroine, you want to secure deep vision from early on.

Do note that you have to think about these factors as soon as the game starts. Since most of these will be rough predictions, it’s always a gamble, but it’s a very beneficial one when it pays off.

Also read: Best AP Support Items in League of Legends

Mythic & Core Items

Similar to her starting items, Seraphine doesn’t have much say in her Mythics either. You could arguably go for Luden’s Tempest. However, the build’s cost will throw it out of the equation pretty fast.

Likewise, other AP items can also get needlessly costly for someone that benefits greatly as an enchantress. With that said, you’d be going the following:

Mythic: Moonstone Renewer

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (10)

Moonstone Renewer is a must-have item for Seraphine, it provides her with increased healing and shielding power, increased mana regen, and a passive that amplifies the healing and shielding power of her abilities.

This item allows Seraphine to stay in lane longer, providing more support to her allies and also making her more durable in fights. Additionally, Moonstone Renewer’s passive allows Seraphine to heal and shield her allies more effectively, making her an even more valuable member of the team.

Seraphine wants to constantly cast abilities in battle, and Moonstone Renewer makes it possible to capitalize on that well due to its unique passive. Whether it be healing, or dealing damage, the item has your back in almost every situation.

It is a great item to increase Seraphine’s sustain and her ability to protect her allies, making her a force to be reckoned with in the game.

Secondary: Chemtech Putrifier

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (11)

Chemtech Putrifier is a powerful item for Seraphine as it grants her and her allies the ability to inflict Grievous Wounds on enemies. This debuff reduces the healing and regeneration effects on affected enemies by 25% or 40% depending on the item or ability that applied it.

This makes it harder for the enemy team to sustain themselves in fights and also makes it easier for Seraphine and her allies to secure kills.

Lucidity Boots

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (12)

The cooldown reduction (CDR) provided by Lucidity Boots is a key benefit for Seraphine, as it allows her to use her abilities more frequently. Seraphine’s abilities are designed to protect her allies and control the battlefield, and the increased CDR allows her to use these abilities more often, which makes her a more valuable member of the team.

The CDR provided by Lucidity Boots impacts Seraphine’s item choices in several ways:

  • Increased CDR allows Seraphine to reach the 40% CDR cap more easily, which allows her to use her abilities more frequently and provides her with more options in fights.
  • Seraphine can build items that provide additional CDR and other bonuses, such as Moonstone Renewer and Chemtech Putrifier, allowing her to use her abilities more frequently and also amplify their power.
  • Increased CDR also allows Seraphine to build items that provide other bonuses, such as increased Ability Power, healing, and shielding power, and allow her to deal bonus damage to enemies affected by crowd control, which makes her a more powerful and versatile champion.
  • Seraphine can also opt to build other items that offer defensive options, such as Redemption, which will increase her and her allies’ survivability in fights.

Remaining Build Choices

From here, Seraphine will opt into building enchanter items that provide buffs to her allies. She can also choose to go into the debuff route, and build accordingly.

With that said, here are her general support build options:

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (13)

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter is a powerful item for Seraphine as it provides her with increased Ability Power and also slows down enemies hit by her abilities.

When Seraphine uses her abilities on an enemy champion, the slow effect from Rylai’s Crystal Scepter is applied to them, making it easier for her and her allies to follow up on the crowd control.

This slow effect applies to all of Seraphine’s abilities, including her Q, High Note, her W, Surround Sound, and her E, Beat Drop. This allows her to control the battlefield more effectively by slowing down enemies and making it easier for her allies to follow up on her crowd control.

Plus, the boost in ability power is always good considering it helps strengthen her otherwise lackluster damage. This item is generally built as her fourth item option and is otherwise considered situational. Therefore, you’d only want to build it against teams that prefer to fight slowly in order to apply maximum effects.

Watchful Wardstone

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (14)

As mentioned previously, Seraphine doesn’t inherently need to ward as much as other mobile supports.

However, having that backup option is always great considering the item can be used to spot enemies trying to move in on objectives or to keep an eye on a specific area that the enemy team may be trying to take.

Plus, it’s pretty cheap, so it’s more about “why not” than “why should”.

Ardent Censer

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (15)

The Ardent Censer is also pretty good considering it boosts the attack speed on your carries – which can be very beneficial for those who are auto-attack based champions. This will allow them to deal more damage and be more effective in fights.

However, this also means that a mage-oriented team comp might not fare nearly as well with the buffs from this item.

Ardent Censer amplifies the healing and shielding provided by her abilities, making her a more valuable member of the team. This is particularly useful when Seraphine is playing in the bot lane, as it allows her to provide more support to her allies and keep them alive for longer during fights.

Staff of Flowing Water

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (16)

Staff of Flowing Water is a great item for Seraphine as it provides her with increased Ability Power and also amplifies the healing and shielding provided by her abilities.

The passive also allows her to grant bonus movement speed to her allies, making them more effective in chasing down enemies or escaping from danger.

This is more of an AP equivalent of Ardent Censer that provides equivalent value – if not more, if your team comprises AP mages. Considering brining mid laners to bot lane is becoming the meta these days, the pick rate of this item is only going to soar even further!


Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (17)

Redemption is a situational item for Seraphine as it provides her with increased Ability Power and also amplifies the healing and shielding provided by her abilities. It can be beneficial in some situations but it has some drawbacks that should be considered before purchasing it.

The active ability of Redemption, which allows Seraphine to heal allies at a targeted location after a short delay, can be a great way to turn the tide of a fight or to save an ally from an otherwise deadly situation. However, it has a long cooldown, which makes it a less reliable option in most situations.

The major drawback of Redemption is that it is not as relevant as items like Rylai’s Crystal Scepter or Chemtech Putrifier. Additionally, Redemption is less effective in the later stages of the game, when fights tend to be shorter and less frequent.

Cosmic Drive

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (18)

This item is also quite situational and is generally built when fights tend to be longer. The general idea is to use it to kite enemies while dishing as many abilities out as possible due to its CDR. Plus, the added ability power is nothing to scoff at either.

However, it’s relatively expensive considering you don’t get that much gold as Seraphine in the later stages of the game, and the item has no relevance in early game. Although, if it’s need arises, the Cosmic Drive delivers pretty well.

The movement speed boost is more than helpful when you’ve got enemies trying to delete you from the fight in order to avoid your team getting buffs.

Seraphine – Runes

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (19)

As a support, Seraphine tends to delve into the Magic tree to pick the usual generic support set of runes. Here’s what you will be expecting to go on her regardless of the patch:

Summon Aery Path – Primary

The Summon Aery rune path is a popular choice for Seraphine as it provides her with additional mana and CDR, which allows her to use her abilities more frequently and to have a greater impact on the battlefield.

  • Manaflow Band: This rune grants Seraphine increased mana regeneration and, after reaching maximum mana, she will be able to gain a permanent mana restore on ability hit. This allows Seraphine to sustain her abilities throughout the game and not to be mana constrained.
  • Transcendence: This rune grants Seraphine increased CDR at level 10, which allows her to use her abilities more frequently and to have a greater impact on the battlefield. This is particularly useful for Seraphine as her abilities are her main source of damage and crowd control.
  • Scorch: This rune grants Seraphine a burst of additional damage on her first ability hit in a while – dealing burn damage. This is great for Seraphine as it allows her to deal more damage early in the game and to help secure kills more easily.

Resolve – Secondary

The Resolve rune path is another popular choice for Seraphine as it provides her with additional defensive capabilities and sustain.

  • Bone Plating: This rune is particularly useful for Seraphine as it allows her to absorb some of the damage she takes during fights, which can be very helpful during her trades in bot lane.
  • Revitalize: This rune increases Seraphine’s healing and shielding power, making her a more valuable member of the team. This is particularly useful when Seraphine is playing in the bot lane, as it allows her to provide more support to her allies and keep them alive for longer during fights.

Now, in a perfect world, all of this will make Seraphine extremely obnoxious to deal with. However, the reality is often disappointing, as you can pull off everything perfectly yet still get dunked on in teamfights.

Also read: 5 Best Supports for Sivir in League of Legends

How To Support As Seraphine?

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (20)

Peeling and protection is an important aspect of playing support in League of Legends, and Seraphine is no exception. As a support, her main role is to protect her allies, and her abilities are designed to help her do so effectively.

Here are a few key points to consider when playing Seraphine in terms of peeling and protection:

Ability Usage

Seraphine’s abilities are designed to help her protect her allies, her W ability, Surround Sound, grants her and her allies a shield and also provides increased movement speed, this can be used to protect her allies from enemy abilities and also to help her and her allies escape from danger.

Her E ability, Beat Drop, has a slow effect that can be used to disrupt enemy engagement and also protect her allies by slowing down enemies chasing them. Her R ability, Encore, can charm enemies and disrupt their engagement, providing a powerful tool to protect her allies.


Proper positioning is crucial when playing Seraphine, she wants to stay close to her allies to maximize the effectiveness of her abilities. When protecting her allies, she should position herself between them and the enemy to block incoming abilities and also to be in a good position to use her abilities.

Her abilities have a short range, so she should try to stay as close to her allies as possible so that she can use her abilities to protect them.


Communication is key when playing Seraphine, she should communicate with her allies about her abilities and warn them when she’s going to use her abilities. This will help her allies to position themselves correctly and also to be ready to follow up on her abilities.

Tips & Tricks to Be a Better Seraphine Player

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Here’s a quick rundown of everything we’ve discussed so far that can help you improve as a Seraphine Support, and hopefully ascend to a better rank (fingers crossed):

  • Make use of her passive – Stage Presence: It allows her to recast her abilities twice, with the second cast having enhanced effects. Be sure to time your abilities correctly to make the most of this passive.
  • Combo her abilities: Seraphine’s abilities work well together, so be sure to use them in combination with each other. For example, you can use her Q, High Note, to damage enemies, then follow up with her E, Beat Drop, to slow them down and make it easier to land your other abilities.
  • Use her W, Surround Sound, effectively: Seraphine’s W ability is a powerful support spell that can grant movement speed and shielding to her allies. Use it to help your allies chase down enemies or escape from danger.
  • Warding: As a support champion, it’s your job to ward the map and make sure your team is aware of the enemy’s movements. Warding can give your team a huge advantage and help you to secure kills and objectives.
  • Build items accordingly: Seraphine’s item build should be tailored to suit your playstyle and the situation. Be sure to choose items that will help you to deal more damage, provide more support to your team, or stay alive longer.
  • Practice: The key to becoming a better player is practice. Try different strategies and playstyles, and learn from your mistakes.

Finally, leave the rest to your decision making and fate. Not every Soloqueue game is winnable, learn to bear with the losses as well!


All in all, Seraphine is a pretty fun champion to play. With lots of ability reactions and aimed shots, you need to be at your A game in order to find success with her.

While yes, she is generally very forgiving to play, the barrage of nerfs from Riot Games has left her in a spot where she needs to execute everything to perfection in order to be a support that can change the tides of teamfights.

Try to focus on having fun while playing her, and most of your worries will be laid to rest. Happy climbing, and good luck on the rift!

Seraphine Season 13 Support Guide – League of Legends (2024)
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