Top Personal Banker Interview Questions with Example Answers [2020] (2024)

  • Question: What is inflation and how does it affect the economy?
  • Question Overview: The personal banker will have to be able to explain the basics of inflation to clients. They will need to know how it affects the economy and how it affects the value of money. The personal banker will need to be able to explain this in layman's terms so that clients can understand.

    Sample Answer: Inflation is an increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. Inflation is caused by an increase in the money supply.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Understanding of the basics of inflation
    • - Ability to explain it in layman's terms
    • - Knowledge of how it affects the economy

  • Question: How comfortable are you lending to affluent clients?
  • Question Overview: The personal banker must be comfortable working with clients who have a lot of money. They will be called upon to sell them financial products. The personal banker will need to be able to handle the pressure of selling to these clients and not let it affect their judgment.

    Sample Answer: I am very comfortable working with affluent clients. I have worked with many of them in the past and have always been able to build a good relationship with them.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to sell to affluent clients
    • - Comfort with high-net-worth clients
    • - Willingness to learn about the products that are sold to them

  • Question: How would you define good customer service?
  • Question Overview: The personal banker will be the face of your company. They will be the one who greets customers and makes them feel at home. They will be the one who is there to answer questions and help them with their financial needs. You want to find a personal banker who will be able to provide good customer service.

    Sample Answer: Good customer service is when the customer leaves feeling like they received the right product for their needs.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to make customers feel comfortable
    • - The ability to explain complex products in simple terms
    • - The ability to listen and understand customer needs

  • Question: Tell me about a time you didn't meet your sales target, and what did you do next?
  • Question Overview: Personal bankers are expected to meet sales targets. If they do not meet their targets, they will not be able to keep their jobs. The candidate will have to explain what they did to get back on track. You will want to hear that they took the initiative to find new customers and sell more products.

    Sample Answer: I did not meet my sales target last month. I had a few customers who were difficult to reach and I was not able to reach them in time. I decided to call them again and left a message. I also went out of my way to visit them in person and was able to sell them the products they needed.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - The ability to take initiative
    • - The ability to learn from mistakes
    • - The ability to work independently

  • Question: Tell me about a time when you had to work as part of a team.
  • Question Overview: A personal banker will be working with other employees of the bank. They must be able to work well with others and not be a disruptive force. You will want to know how the candidate interacts with others and how they handle stressful situations.

    Sample Answer: I have always been part of a team. I have worked in a team environment since I started my first job.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Teamwork skills
    • - Ability to work well under pressure
    • - Ability to handle stressful situations

  • Question: Why do you want to work with us?
  • Question Overview: The personal banker will be selling your company's products. They will be representing your company and will be the face of the company to many customers. You want to make sure that they are dedicated to your company and that they want to work for you.

    Sample Answer: I have been a loyal customer of this bank for many years. I am very impressed with the way you run your business and I would love to be a part of it.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Dedication to the company
    • - Passion for the job
    • - Desire to work for a specific manager

  • Question: How will you handle an angry customer?
  • Question Overview: A personal banker will have to deal with angry customers. It is part of the job. You will want to know how the candidate handles these situations. They must remain calm and not let the customer get to them. They must be able to diffuse the situation and keep it from escalating.

    Sample Answer: I always try to remain calm when dealing with angry customers. I try to listen to their concerns and address them in a way that keeps them from getting even angrier.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to remain calm
    • - Tactfulness in diffusing a situation
    • - Ability to walk away

  • Question: Why should we hire you over other candidates?
  • Question Overview: The personal banker will have to sell themselves to the interviewer. They will have to convince the interviewer that they are the best candidate for the job. The candidate will need to highlight their strengths and explain why they are the best choice.

    Sample Answer: I am a hard worker and I am always willing to go the extra mile for my clients. I am also very knowledgeable about financial products and I am committed to continuing my education.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Self-confidence
    • - Ability to sell themselves
    • - Confidence in their abilities

  • Question: What is your biggest weakness?
  • Question Overview: This is a classic interview question that you will find in many job interviews. The candidate will have to think on their feet and come up with a weakness that is not a weakness. You want to hear that the candidate is self-aware and knows their weaknesses.

    Sample Answer: I am a perfectionist. I always want to do my best and sometimes I can be too hard on myself.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - A self-aware candidate
    • - A candidate who is honest
    • - A candidate who can turn a weakness into a strength

  • Question: Why did you choose banking as your career?
  • Question Overview: The candidate's answer to this question will give you a sense of their career goals. You want to hire someone who is committed to the industry and has a passion for it. If they are just looking for a job, they may not be as dedicated as you would like.

    Sample Answer: I have always been interested in finance and have always been fascinated by the stock market. I enjoy helping people manage their finances.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - A genuine interest in the industry
    • - A desire to help customers
    • - A desire to work with people

  • Question: Why do you want to be a personal banker?
  • Question Overview: This is a simple question that can reveal a lot about the candidate. If they are not excited about being a personal banker, then they will not be a good fit. You want to find someone who is passionate about the job and wants to help people.

    Sample Answer: I have always wanted to work in a customer-focused environment. I want to help people make their financial dreams come true.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Excitement about the job
    • - Passion for helping people
    • - Desire to work in a customer-focused environment

  • Question: How comfortable are you in selling products?
  • Question Overview: Personal bankers are expected to sell products. They will be expected to sell the products that they know and also be able to sell other products that they are not familiar with. You will want to know how comfortable the candidate is in selling products.

    Sample Answer: I am very comfortable in selling products. I have always been a people person and I enjoy helping people with their finances.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Comfort level in selling products
    • - Willingness to learn about new products
    • - Ability to sell complex products

  • Question: How do you get coaching and development at your current position?
  • Question Overview: Personal bankers are expected to be self-starters. They will need to be able to learn on their own and develop their skills without much guidance. You will want to know how they go about learning new skills and what they do to improve their performance.

    Sample Answer: I have a mentor at my current bank who helps me with my development. I also read up on the latest in financial products and attend seminars.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Self-motivation
    • - Desire to improve
    • - Willingness to take initiative

  • Question: What do you like about your current job?
  • Question Overview: The personal banker will have to work with many different people. The candidate will have to be able to work with people from different backgrounds and personalities. You will want to know how the candidate interacts with others.

    Sample Answer: I enjoy the variety of my job. I get to meet new people every day and help them with their financial needs.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - The candidate's ability to work with others
    • - The candidate's ability to work in a team
    • - The candidate's ability to work independently

  • Question: How will you motivate the tellers to help you sell products?
  • Question Overview: The personal banker is responsible for the performance of the tellers. The personal banker will need to motivate them to sell products. The personal banker will need to be able to get the tellers to work with them and not against them. You want to know how the personal banker will handle this situation.

    Sample Answer: I will make sure that I am always available to answer questions and help out when needed. I will also make sure that I am always on time for meetings and that I am prepared.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to motivate others
    • - Ability to work with others
    • - Willingness to delegate

  • Question: Tell me something about yourself that will make me remember you.
  • Question Overview: This is a very common question that is asked in interviews. You want to find out something about the candidate that will make you remember them. This is a great opportunity to find out something unique about the candidate and to see how they answer the question.

    Sample Answer: I am a big fan of the TV show "The Office". I have seen every episode multiple times.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - A unique personal story
    • - A fun fact
    • - An interesting hobby

  • Question: What is customer service to you?
  • Question Overview: The personal banker is the face of the bank. They will be dealing with customers on a daily basis, and they must be able to maintain a positive relationship with them. The personal banker will be responsible for building a rapport with clients and maintaining that relationship.

    Sample Answer: Customer service is about making sure that the customer is happy. I have been told that I am a good listener and I am able to solve problems for customers.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to build relationships
    • - The ability to listen to customers
    • - The ability to solve problems

  • Question: What role do you want?
  • Question Overview: The personal banker will be the face of the bank to many customers. You want to make sure that they are comfortable in front of a crowd. You also want to make sure that they are comfortable with the role that they will play in the bank.

    Sample Answer: I would like to be a personal banker. I am comfortable in front of a crowd and I am very good at building relationships with customers.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Comfort in front of a crowd
    • - Comfort with their role

  • Question: If business is slow and no customers walking in what would you do to meet your sales quota?
  • Question Overview: Personal bankers are expected to sell products. They are not salespeople, but they must sell. You will want to know how they will handle slow times. If they have a plan for this, then they will be able to handle slow times when they come up.

    Sample Answer: I would look for ways to sell products that I do not normally sell. I would also look for ways to get new customers in the door.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to think on their feet
    • - Creativity in finding ways to sell
    • - Willingness to take on extra responsibilities

  • Question: How does your current job prepare you to work in this position?
  • Question Overview: The personal banker will be responsible for building relationships with customers. The candidate must be able to explain how their current job has given them the skills to succeed in this position.

    Sample Answer: My current job has given me the opportunity to build relationships with many different types of people. I have learned how to work with people from all walks of life.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience in building relationships
    • - Ability to work with different types of people
    • - Experience in a customer-service oriented job
Top Personal Banker Interview Questions with Example Answers [2020] (2024)


What to say in an interview for a personal banker? ›

As a personal banker, you should be able to describe your ability to sell financial services. Let your interviewer know how you plan to discover what products and services are best for the customer and how you would introduce them. Show the interviewer that you understand what it takes to effectively make a sale.

What is your greatest weakness as a personal banker? ›

The candidate will have to think on their feet and come up with a weakness that is not a weakness. You want to hear that the candidate is self-aware and knows their weaknesses. Sample Answer: I am a perfectionist. I always want to do my best and sometimes I can be too hard on myself.

Why do you want to work as a personal banker? ›

I pursued a career as a personal banker because I have a passion for finance and enjoy helping people achieve their financial goals. This role allows me to combine my interest in finance with my strong interpersonal skills, enabling me to build strong relationships with clients and provide tailored financial solutions.

What is your greatest strength for this banking position? ›

Recognise Your Strengths
  • Analytical Abilities: In the banking sector, having strong analytical abilities is a significant asset. ...
  • Excellent Communication: Effective communication is another pertinent strength, ideal for conveying complex financial information clearly to various stakeholders.
Sep 29, 2023

How can I introduce myself in bank interview? ›

“I'm [Your Name], a recent graduate with a degree in [Your Degree] and a strong interest in the banking sector. During my studies, I developed strong communication and interpersonal skills through [mention relevant activities/projects]. I'm a fast learner and highly motivated to contribute to a team environment.”

How to answer tell me about yourself? ›

Provide a Brief Highlight-Summary of Your Experience

The best way to answer "Tell me about yourself" is with a brief highlight-summary of your experience, your education, the value you bring to an employer, and the reason you're looking forward to learning more about this next job and the opportunity to work with them.

What is the star method when interviewing? ›

The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.

What is a good answer to what is your biggest weakness? ›

So as a recap, the four answers that you can give when being asked, what are your greatest weaknesses, are, I focus too much on the details, I've got a hard time saying no sometimes, I've had trouble asking for help in the past, and I have a hard time letting go of a project.

What weakness to say in an interview? ›

Some skills that you can use as weaknesses include impatience, multitasking, self-criticism, and procrastination.

Why should we hire you best answer sample? ›

A: I want this job because I believe it is a great fit for my skills and interests. I am excited about the opportunity to [describe specific aspect of the job or company] and I am eager to contribute to the team. I am motivated to learn and grow in this role, and I am confident that I can make a positive impact.

Why should I hire you? ›

“I should be hired for this role because of my relevant skills, experience, and passion for the industry. I've researched the company and can add value to its growth. My positive attitude, work ethics, and long-term goals align with the job requirements, making me a committed and valuable asset to the company.”

How to pass a bank interview? ›

During the interview, be prepared to provide specific examples from your previous experience that demonstrate your skills and suitability for the role. Show enthusiasm, professionalism, and a strong work ethic. And also, don't neglect your appearance because you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

What is your weakness bank interview? ›

Sample Answer: I'm a hard worker and I'm always willing to take on more responsibility. I'm also very detail-oriented and I'm good at following instructions. I think my biggest weakness is that I sometimes get too caught up in my work and forget to take a break.

What are your three weaknesses? ›

Managing missed deadlines. Balancing work and personal life. Having limited experience in a specific skill or specialization. Having communication issues or difficulty working with different personalities.

What is the best answer to what is your greatest strength? ›

When answering, mention what your top strengths are, provide examples on how you've used them in the past, and finally, describe the results you've gotten. Be super specific with your answers. Don't just say “I'm good at X” - really dive deep and give the interviewer a comprehensive answer.

How to get hired as a personal banker? ›

How to become a personal banker
  1. Pursue a bachelor's degree. Employers require all of their personal bankers to have bachelor's degrees and they prefer majors such as mathematics, business, finance or economics. ...
  2. Consider certifications. ...
  3. Gain experience in finance. ...
  4. Create a resume and cover letter. ...
  5. Submit applications.
Apr 18, 2023

How do you nail a bank interview? ›

During the interview, be prepared to provide specific examples from your previous experience that demonstrate your skills and suitability for the role. Show enthusiasm, professionalism, and a strong work ethic. And also, don't neglect your appearance because you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

What are your strengths and weaknesses in a banking interview? ›

Sample Answer: I'm a hard worker and I'm always willing to take on more responsibility. I'm also very detail-oriented and I'm good at following instructions. I think my biggest weakness is that I sometimes get too caught up in my work and forget to take a break.

How do you provide excellent customer service as a personal banker? ›

Ask customers what they need that you aren't providing and take steps to continually improve service offerings. When you introduce new financial products, let customers know about them and offer existing clients specials deals and rates you use to bring in new business.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.