WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (2024)

Last updated on Feb 28, 2021 at 15:03by Seksixeny49 comments

On this page, you will find our Level by Level Arcane Mage leveling guide forWoW Classic. Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level.Arcane is a versatile tree, and by going deep into it you will be able to use allkinds of spells with a good degree of effectiveness. The trade-off is that most ofyour damage potential will only be realized once you obtain WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (1) Arcane Powerand start putting points into the other trees. You will be able to deal good AoEdamage with WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (2) Arcane Explosion, but because of its limited range and lackof slowing capabilities, doing so will put your life at considerable risk (especiallywhen compared with the AoE Grinding Frost Mage).

Make sure to also browse our Frost Single Targetand Fire Mage Single Target playstyleleveling guides. Finally, for more general leveling information, please refer to ourMage leveling guide.

If you were looking for TBC Classic advice, please refer to ourTBC Classic Arcane Mage leveling guide.


Single Target Arcane Mage Level by Level Rotation, Talents and Trainer Skills

Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!

Level: 60


Talent Tree for leveling up as an Arcane Mage

Your first talent unlocks at Level 10.

Your talents should roughly look like this, but keepin mind there are plenty of individual points that can be swapped around basedon preference. For example, feel free to place a point into WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (3) Cold Snap ifyou wish, we skip it due to the low impact of the talent in a build without WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (4) Ice Blockand WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (5) Ice Barrier.

WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (6)

Arcane Mage Talents Level 10 to 19

WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (7)

Arcane Mage Talents Level 20 to 29

WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (8)

Arcane Mage Talents Level 30 to 39

WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (9)

Arcane Mage Talents Level 40 to 49

WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (10)

Arcane Mage Talents Level 50 to 60

  1. Levels 10 & 11 — 2 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (11) Arcane Focus
  2. Levels 12 to 14 — 3 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (12) Improved Arcane Missiles
  3. Levels 15 & 16 — 2 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (13) Wand Specialization
  4. Levels 17 & 18 — 2 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (14) Improved Arcane Missiles
  5. Level 19 — 1 point in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (15) Arcane Concentration

Begin by getting two points into WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (16) Arcane Focus,so that your arcane spells are not often resisted against similar level enemies.Afterwards, maximize WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (17) Improved Arcane Missiles and WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (18) Wand Specialization,which will allow you to cast WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (19) Arcane Missiles uninterrupted when enemiesget close and finish them off with your Wand while regenerating Mana. Finally, getstarted on WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (20) Arcane Concentration.

  1. Level 20 — 1 point in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (21) Arcane Resilience
  2. Levels 21 to 23 — 3 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (22) Improved Arcane Explosion
  3. Levels 24 to 27 — 4 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (23) Arcane Concentration
  4. Levels 28 & 29 — 2 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (24) Arcane Meditation

Grab WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (25) Arcane Resilience for a survivabilityboost, maximize WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (26) Improved Arcane Explosion to get your area of effect damagecapabilities rolling and finish WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (27) Arcane Concentration / start WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (28) Arcane Meditationto improve your Mana management.

  1. Level 30 — 1 point in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (29) Presence of Mind
  2. Level 31 — 1 point in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (30) Arcane Meditation
  3. Levels 32 to 34 — 3 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (31) Arcane Mind
  4. Levels 35 to 37 — 3 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (32) Arcane Instability
  5. Levels 38 & 39 — 2 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (33) Arcane Mind

WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (34) Presence of Mind will provide you with a versatilecooldown that makes your next spell instant cast. You can use with for burst, withWoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (35) Fireball, or for utility, with WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (36) Polymorph, for example. Proceedby putting the final point into WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (37) Arcane Meditation and grabbing both WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (38) Arcane Mindand WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (39) Arcane Instability to increase your Mana and damage potential, respectively.

  1. Level 40 — 1 point in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (40) Arcane Power
  2. Levels 41 & 42 — 2 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (41) Elemental Precision
  3. Levels 43 to 47 — 5 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (42) Improved Frostbolt
  4. Levels 48 & 49 — 2 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (43) Ice Shards

WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (44) Arcane Power will be your main DPS cooldown,allowing you to increase your damage (and Mana costs) significantly for a short period.WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (45) Elemental Precision will be your first non-Arcane talent and grants youa damage boost with WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (46) Frostbolt, which you will improve further with WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (47) Improved Frostboltand WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (48) Ice Shards.

  1. Level 50 — 1 point in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (49) Ice Shards
  2. Levels 51 to 53 — 3 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (50) Piercing Ice
  3. Levels 54 & 55 — 2 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (51) Ice Shards
  4. Levels 56 to 58 — 3 points in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (52) Frost Channeling
  5. Level 59 — 1 point in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (53) Arctic Reach
  6. Level 60 — 1 point in WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (54) Elemental Precision

Begin by accumulating even more Frost damage with WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (55) Ice Shardsand WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (56) Piercing Ice, followed by Frost Mana efficiency through WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (57) Frost Channeling.Finish your build by using one point into WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (58) Arctic Reach, and maximize WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (59) Elemental Precisionjust in time for raiding!


Rotation for leveling up as an Arcane Mage

  1. Cast WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (60) Arcane Intellect and WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (61) Frost Armor if you miss their buffs.
  2. Cast WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (62) Arcane Intellect and WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (63) Ice Armor if you miss their buffs.
  3. Cast WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (64) Arcane Intellect and WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (65) Mage Armor if you miss their buffs.
  4. Cast WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (66) Fireball as your main attack.
  5. Cast WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (67) Fireball or WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (68) Frostbolt (dependingon which rank you have gotten more recently) as your main attack. WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (69) Arcane Missilesis also a good option, especially if you are being hit, as it will not be interruptedonce you maximize WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (70) Improved Arcane Missiles. Frostbolt will be the preferredspell once you finish maximizing WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (71) Improved Frostbolt.
  6. Cast WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (72) Frostbolt as your main attack.

Utility skills, such as WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (73) Frost Nova, and AoE skills,such as WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (74) Arcane Explosionshould be used to keep enemies away from you or finishoff packs of enemies, as required.

Since you can make your own food and water with WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (75) Conjure Foodand WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (76) Conjure Water,you will be able to more than make up the gold spenton these skills, by saving on vendor food and water. It is also possible to gainsome gold on the side by selling your conjured supplies to other players.


Summary of Trainer Skills for Arcane Mage


Arcane Mage Macros and Addons

By setting yourself up with an upgraded user interface and macros from the getgo, you will make your leveling process much easier. Check out our Arcane Mage Macrosand Addons guide in the link below for the full list.

Arcane Mage Macros and Addons Guide


Single-Target Arcane Mage Quests and Weapons

While leveling, you will find and look for weapon upgrades. There are also someclass specific quests to complete, mostly for new gear but also for the best waterrank. In order to get you well on your way with both of those aspects of the game,we have prepared two dedicated guides.

Mage weapons guideMage quests guide


Single Target Arcane Mage Level 60 Guides

Now that you arrived at Level 60, check out our DPS Mage Guide,which covers how to play at maximum level in detail.

We would especially recommend you to browse the following pages.

  • The DPS Mage Talent builds guide,contains the PvE oriented builds for DPS Mages. The build you reach at 60 when followingthis guide has the perk of being one of the best raiding builds for Molten Coreand Blackwing Lair;
  • Our PvP Mage guide is where you can findthe recommended PvP talents for Mages, as well as various tricks and tips to helpyou win against against other players;
  • Goldmaking Guide for DPS Magesexplains various techniques that you can employ to farm gold quickly at level 60,and even before! Mages are one of the very best classes for farming in the game,and can solo farm a lot of gold quickly in Dire Maul East.They are also great for solo farming Maraudonand Zul'Farrak;
  • In DPS Mage Rotation guide, youwill find various tips and tricks on how to perform some of the more advanced Magetricks, to compensate for the raiding rotation mostly being a one-button spam;
  • Our DPS Mage Stats guide has a lotof information on WoW Classic Mage stats and their relative meaning towards yourdamage dealing potential;
  • Finally, browse the Gear guide for DPS Magesto learn which are your best pieces of gear in WoW Classic (updated every phase),and where you can farm them in order to optimize your damage.



  • 28 Feb. 2021: Changed the slider starting point to maximum level.
  • 05 Jan. 2020: Added a Macros and Addons section.
  • 04 Nov. 2019: Page added.

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WoW Classic Arcane Mage Leveling Talent Build from 1 to 60 (2024)
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