Complete 7-Month Baby Food Chart | Buding Star (2024)


The six-month mark is gone, it’s the seventh month. You don’t need to ponder upon things too much, the diet chart for a 7-month-old baby is quite similar to a 6-month baby. When it comes to the proportions, if you’re confused you can consult a nutritionist. If you’re confused about the difference of opinions, Budding Star is here for your rescue. Your child is now fit for solids, keep it to finger foods, although. So, here’s a food chart for a seven-month baby.

Mommies….!! As your baby has turned 7-month-old, he/she is ready to step forward from vegetable/ fruit purees to more varieties of food. So, in this post, I have shared the Indian Diet Plan for a 7-month-old baby or baby diet chart for 7 months for your reference. A 7-month baby diet chart helps you ensure that you include the necessary food items that can help your baby get the nutrition they need at this stage. Meal times should not induce a feeling of anxiety, rather, it should be something fun and encourage learning and building of tastes of the different foods they will try out. Introduce the foods in your little one’s diet in a very playful manner so that their mealtimes become another pleasure time for him/her.

Some of the Growth Milestones of a 7-Month-Old Baby:

  • At this stage, your baby tends to get his/her first tooth.
  • This is the time when babies may develop their “PINCER GRIP” where he wants to pick up tiny things or small chunks of food by using their thumb and forefinger.
  • Your baby will develop a full-colour vision and Distance vision matures.
  • Your baby will tend to communicate vocally by making a lot of different sounds – laughter, blowing bubbles, and babbling in chains of consonants such as “da-da-da..”
  • Sits with, and then without, the support of his/her hands.
  • By this stage, he/she will start responding to “no”.

And Mommies don’t forget to capture all the special moments.

Now, let us know important tips on how to feed a baby which are discussed below.

Complete 7-Month Baby Food Chart | Buding Star (1)

Important Tips on How to Feed Solid Foods to 7 Months Baby:

  • Always give properly fresh cooked, soft textured, and easy-to-digest foods and not the hard ones as the baby’s digestive system is still developing. Don’t store the fruit and vegetable puree.
  • In the 6th month, solid food is given twice a day but from the 7th month, you can give thrice a day proper breakfast, lunch, and early dinner to your little one. Don’t feed anything forcefully to the baby.
  • Breast milk and formula milk should be continued. An increase in the number of meals doesn’t mean that we should stop Breastfeeding/ Formula milk.
  • As the number of meals increases the need for milk decreases so you should not be worried. Don’t feed anything forcefully.
  • Always remember to go by the “3-day wait for rule” before introducing any new food to babies.
  • Never mix new foods. Introduce them separately first to see whether the baby can digest the same or not.
  • If a baby develops any food allergy then stop feeding that food. Also, consult your paediatrician in such cases. (Diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, rashes, and too much crying due to stomach pain are the symptoms in the baby of any particular food allergy.)
  • Sterilize the baby utensils that are used for cooking and feeding.
  • Avoid feeding Cow’s milk, raw vegetables, nuts, and too much salt and sugar before the age of one year.
  • Feed your baby when he is sitting in a proper sitting position. Make your baby sit on the high chair while feeding.

Find the best high chair for your little one by clicking on the link mentioned below: Best Baby High Chair

  • Be careful while feeding your baby as an introduction of some solid foods can cause constipation or Diarrhea too.
  • Refrain your little one from watching TV, mobile phone, etc. while you are feeding anything to them. (If you do not follow this, then it will become their habit and they will not eat anything when the TV is off)
  • Water intake is a must for a baby. Intake of water must be 2 to 4 ounces per day (i.e. 60 to 120 ml). For tracking, you can feed water to him/her from a sipper which has markings. 2 to 4 ounces in a day doesn’t mean plain water alone. Foods like soups, dal paani, barley water, cucumber, etc. have water content. So, if you are feeding food to the baby that has water content then a few sips are enough in a day.

Must-Haves For Feeding the Baby

Must-haves that are required for feeding solids to the baby include chopping each vegetable or fruit you give to the baby so that minimum chewing is required, round or firm foods should be avoided to prevent any choking hazards, even if the baby has started having finger foods by himself make sure he eats it under your supervision, have your baby sit supported in your lap or an upright position.

After putting together a food chart for Indian infants, you should stick up on the following items to make meal time seamless and enjoyable for your little one:

  • High Chair

After introducing solids and semi-solids in your Indian baby food chart, you should try to make your baby sit in a high chair and encourage him to do some independent eating as well.

  • Bibs and Overall

When your baby tries to reach for food on its own, the clothes will get dirty. Therefore, it is advisable to make your baby wear overalls to spare yourself the task of rigorous cleaning. It is important to be patient and let the kid make its mess in exploring the foods

  • Bowls And Spoons

There are special BPAfree bowls and spoons in the market that you can use for serving food to your little ones. You can get these in attractive colours and stunning designs.

  • Sippy Cups

No matter if your baby is weaned off from bottles or not, having a sippy cup on his/her side while eating, will encourage your little one to take a sip from the cup.

How Much Quantity Should a 7-Month-Old Baby Eat Per Day?

Seven-month-old babies need nursing every three to four hours as the baby might have started eating some solid foods but breastmilk should still be the main source of nutrition. In a seven month baby food chart-meal, a baby can have around 2 to 12 tablespoons of solid foods (depending on the baby). Proportions can be a little daunting to decide on but with the 7-month baby food chart, you will be able to diverge on an approximate quantity. Also, ensure you consult your paediatrician to verify details for the same.

Before I write down the Indian Diet Plan for a 7-month-old baby, let us first see the list of foods that you can include and those you should avoid in your baby’s Diet Plan.

How to Transition 7 Months Baby from Purees to More Advanced Textures

Here are some tips to make the transition of a 7-month-old baby smooth from Purees to more advanced textures.

  • Before moving on to advanced textures, you can provide thick purees and add them to the 7 month baby diet chart. It will help your baby get used to slightly thicker food items and more complex textures.
  • You can do the mashing of various soft foods like bananas, avocados, or steamed vegetables. Mashing enables infusing different textures into 7 month baby food.
  • Encourage the development of chewing skills and hand-eye coordination by including some aspects of baby-led weaning. It will allow your baby to self-feed with textured and appropriately sized foods.
  • Additionally, you can expose your 7-month-old baby to different sensations by offering a variety of textures in a 7month baby diet chart. For different food textures, you can add finger foods, purees, soft chunks, and others.
  • You can pay close attention to your 7-month-old baby’s reactions while providing meals to their mouth. If they seem uncomfortable with a new food texture then you can offer a familiar food for a while before trying again.
  • Be patient to observe the progress of your 7-month-old baby as everyone grows at their own pace. Some babies may take to advanced food textures quickly while others may take more time to transition from Purees to Advanced Textures.

Foods to Include in Indian Diet Plan for 7 Months Old Baby:

The 7 month baby food chart for Indian babies is not very different, so below you can find the required proportions and foods you should incorporate in meal times and snack times. Follow the given diet plan for a 7-month baby to know what you should include and what an average meal time for a 7-month-old baby looks like.

Breastfeed or Formula milk:- You should continue to breastfeed or formula feed your baby as and when required.

Introduce finger foods like:

  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Cottage cheese cubes, tofu cubes
  • Boiled egg (chopped/ cut into pieces)
  • Well-cooked veggies (boiled potatoes, boiled carrots, zucchini)
  • Soft fruits like (Banana, ripe papaya, and mangoes)

Finger foods are any bite-size, easy-to-eat pieces of food that your baby can pick up and eat by himself.

Solid foods for 7 month old baby can be:

  1. Lentil soup
  2. Sooji ki kheer
  3. Scrambled eggs
  4. Applesauce
  5. Soft cheese

Some more foods that can be included are :

  • Avocado and Banana Baby Food – This pairing will provide good fats, fibre, vitamin C, and potassium to the baby significant for the baby’s development and growth.
  • Blueberry and Beets Mash – This blend of the gorgeous shade of magenta provides antioxidants, fibre, and vitamins to the baby.
  • Pumpkin Thyme Puree – This elegant dish is filled with potassium, iron, and betacarotene.
  • Fruit puree – Apple, chikoo, papaya, and watermelon, are fruits whose puree can be great for the health of a baby. They are a great source of vitamins, fibres, and proteins.
  • Khichdi – Another nutritious meal for a 7-month-old baby. Khichdi is made out of rice, wheat, or dal with a pinch of salt and spice and can be delicious for the baby.

Foods to Avoid in an Indian Diet Plan for 7 Month Old Baby:

Some foods pose a choking hazard and a few aren’t good for your baby’s digestive system. Here is the list of some foods to be avoided in the Indian Diet Plan for a 7-month-old baby.

  • Cow’s Milk
  • Soy Milk

NOTE: Your baby can’t digest proteins in cow’s milk and soy milk during the first year. They also contain minerals in amounts that can damage the kidneys. However, products made with cow’s milk such as yoghurt, cheese, and custard can be given. Stick to the breast- milk or formula milk until your child turns 1.

  • Uncooked Vegetables
  • Fruits like grapes, dates
  • Meat/ hard/ sticky foods
  • Nuts
  • There’s a risk of food allergies, especially when there is a family history of allergies. Consult a paediatrician while introducing foods like eggs, meat, and nuts.
  • Avoid fried foods.
  • Avoid sugary cereals.

You may be interested in reading – Foods unsafe for your baby (below the age of 1 year)

Now we know what food is to be included and what is to be avoided, I will now pen down the Indian Diet Plan for a 7-month-old baby for your reference.

Indian Diet Plan for 7 Month Old Baby:

The 7-month baby food chart for Indian babies is not very different, so below you can find the required proportions and foods you should incorporate in meal times and snack times. Follow the given diet plan for a 7-month-old baby to know what you should include and what an average meal time for a 7-month-old baby looks like.

Our 7 month old baby food schedule has been created keeping everything in mind, the correct timings, ingredients, and type of food to be given on each particular day. Following this diet plan for a 7-month-old baby is a great way to not only introduce solid food to him or her but also ensure the healthy and safe growth of your little one. We have included some great delicious Indian food for 7-month-old babies that you can give to your child and to create a strong relationship with your child and the new dish that you introduce to them.

  1. Solids for a seven-month-old can be lentil soup, scrambled eggs, and soft cheese, to name a few. These items should be added to the 7 month baby food chart.
  2. Khichdi is a meal that is fit for all age groups. It is just rice, dal, or wheat, mixed with some spice and salt. It is highly nutritious for the baby. Even breastfeeding moms should have khichdi, it’ll take them a long way.
  3. Fruit puree is another important part of a baby’s diet chart for seven months. Fruits like chikoo, apple, papaya, and watermelon can be great sources of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Fruit puree can easily be a part of the other month’s food chart as well.
  4. Dal and rice mixed, at least once a day, should be on top of the 7-month baby food chart for Indians.
  5. Rice water can also be a part of a seven-month-old baby’s diet.
  6. Tofu cubes can also be a part of a 7 month baby food chart if you want variety for the baby.

First Week:

Here is a week one plan for your 7-month baby. From 7 months, you can start 3 meals per day as a proper breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Continue breastfeeding since they play a vital role in the overall development of the baby.

Complete 7-Month Baby Food Chart | Buding Star (2)

Second Week:

Make sure to change the meal every now and then, so they dont get bored of the taste. Always make sure to include varities in the baby’s food.

Complete 7-Month Baby Food Chart | Buding Star (3)

Third Week:

As they might have tasted different foods in the past two weeks, you might be aware of what the baby loved. Try to include them every now and then.

Complete 7-Month Baby Food Chart | Buding Star (4)

Fourth Week:

Including different varieties of fruits, vegetables, and lentils will help in giving them enough sources of strength and energy. Never try to force feed a baby, since they will lose interest in eating, which might be a difficult task for moms.

Complete 7-Month Baby Food Chart | Buding Star (5)

You can note down all the Food/ Meal recipes referred to in the above four plans by clicking on the link mentioned below:

Indian Food Recipes for 7 Months Old Baby

Important Tip: You should continue with the Breast milk/ Formula milk in addition to the meals (as mentioned above) as and when required by the baby (when the baby feels hungry). But one thing should be kept in mind if the baby eats a good portion of the meal then you should keep a gap of 2 hours in the next feed.

NOTE:- This Indian Diet Plan for a 7-month-old Baby or diet plan for a 7-month Baby is framed to just give you an idea about the food items that you can include. You can make changes in timings according to the baby’s taste and acceptability for that particular food item, also changes can be made based on the availability of the food item. Strict meal times are not mandatory. Feed him whenever he is hungry.

Complete 7-Month Baby Food Chart | Buding Star (6)

It’s a basic necessity for a seven-month-old baby to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet to fuel his developing body and mind. It’s also a period of transition when babies start eating solid food and get accustomed to new tastes. Enjoy the new phase of your child’s life. Make it more interesting by capturing memories that you can go through when the baby gets older.

Remember, a fixed time for every meal is not necessary. You have to feed the baby whenever he/she is hungry. Please give the baby formula milk or breast milk until the child turns one.

Baby Food Routine for Seven-Month-Old

To ensure that you’re doing justice to your baby’s nutrition needs, you need to look at a diet plan for a 7-month baby. A 7-month baby food chart in India contains Indian foods like Khichdi. However, there are some other vegetables that your baby needs to consume. Establish a diet routine for your seven-month-old and stick to it. Here are some recipes that you can add to your food routine:

1. Berry Porridge

Use two tablespoons of oats, 1/4th banana, frozen blueberries, one tablespoon of yoghurt, and water. Cook the oats and water in a pan and add blueberries and banana pieces on top after the mixture cooks. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Bananas have essential nutrients such as Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, potassium, and folate that help a baby’s nervous system.

2. Broccoli and Spinach Puree

Chop medium-sized broccoli and some spinach leaves. Boil some water in a pan and add the two vegetables to it. Let them cook for about 15 minutes before mashing them and feeding them to your child. Broccoli is packed with minerals, bioactive compounds, and vitamins. Furthermore, spinach is a super vegetable. It boosts hydration, curbs appetite, strengthens eye health, and assists a baby’s overall development.

3. Apple Khichdi

Since apple is one of the sweetest fruits and is loved by all babies, you can try to include this flavour so that the kids might be excited to try it. Soak dal and rice for 15 – 30 mins after washing. Now, pressure cook them for 2 to 3 whistles. In the meantime, wash the apples, peel them off, chop them into smaller pieces, and steam them for 5 to 10 mins. Then mix the steamed apple with the rice & dal, and grind them.

4. Sweet Potato Rice

One of the sweet dishes that every kid would love to have, and is packed with a lot of nutrients and easy to digest too. The vegetable can also help in passing stools easier for kids. To make this healthy version of lunch, cut the sweet potatoes, and steam them for 10 – 15 min until they are soft. Peel off the skin, and make it into a puree with the help of a fork or spoon. Add a teaspoon of melted butter, and it’s ready to be served.

5. Almond Grate

Almonds are packed with a lot of health benefits. You can just soak them overnight, grate them, and feed them with the help of a spoon. This may not be easier for kids to have because of the blunt taste. In that case, you can even add a spoonful of breastmilk to enhance the taste.

6. Mashed Potatoes And Broccoli

While putting together a Baby food chart for an Indian infant you can always include mashed potatoes and broccoli on the list. Broccoli is a powerhouse of nutrients including Vitamin A, C, K, and E, in addition to various other nutrients. Potato is also a rich source of energy and a potent source of Vitamin B6, iron, folate, and zinc. All you have to do is chop the potatoes and broccoli and add them to boiling water till they soften. Mash them together and add some breast milk or formula milk to achieve the desired consistency. You can also add some unsalted butter to the dish to enhance its taste.

7. Sweet Potato Puree

Sweet potatoes are packed with the necessary vitamins and minerals that your little one needs for proper growth and development. Sweet potato purée should make it to your 7 month old baby food list. All you have to do is chip and boil the sweet potatoes and mash them with some breast milk or formula milk to achieve a purée-like consistency. You can also replace milk with water while making this recipe.

8. Avocado and Banana mash

Avocados are a great source of folate and fibre, whereas bananas are a good source of carbs that provide energy to the baby. This recipe should be a part of a 7-month-old baby food schedule. Mash the banana and avocado together to achieve a thick consistency. You can also blend both ingredients in a blender for a smoother consistency.

9. Carrot and Lentil Mash

Carrots are rich in fibre and Vitamin B6 which can be very beneficial for babies. Furthermore, lentils are also super healthy for your seven-month-old child. You can take red lentils and chopped carrots and add them to a cooker with water and cumin. Cook it for 10-15 minutes and then drain any excess water. Use a fork to make a mash and serve it warm to your baby.

10. Vegetable Khichdi

This is quite an essential and wholesome recipe to add to the food chart for babies. All you have to do is boil lentils and rice together. You can mash it further to get your desired consistency. Add ghee to enhance the taste. This is one of the most nutritious 7 month baby food ideas. Make sure to avoid salt until the baby is 1 year old.

How Can I Tell If My Baby Is Prepared For Solid Food?

Your baby is ready to eat solid food by their seventh month. However, here are some symptoms that help you decide when your baby is ready to eat solid food:

  • Your baby can hold its head up when it’s sitting
  • The disappearance of tongue thrust reflex
  • Baby is interested in eating table foods
  • Your baby opens its mouth wider
  • Your baby’s tongue makes movements – up and down, back and forth

If you notice any of these signs in your baby, your baby can consume solid foods. You can make Indian food for your baby. The Indian food for a 7-month-old baby includes Dal water, Suji Upma, Dal Rice, and even Khichdi.

Tips for Feeding Your 7-Month-Old Baby

Here is some tips to follow when you are feeding your 7-month-old:

  • Avoid using combos such as cereal with meat or fruit for dinners. Before adding another new food, give the first one to two to three days. You can determine which meals your baby can’t eat or may be allergic to.
  • Prepare a diet chart for 7 month old baby. There is so much Indian food for 7 month old baby. Add these full nutritious dishes to the chart.
  • Small servings of solid food should be given initially. Start with a teaspoon and work your way up to a tablespoon.
  • There are no hard and fast guidelines about the proper order in which to serve different foods. A common way is to begin with baby cereal and gradually incorporate fruits, veggies, and proteins in a 7 month baby food chart.
  • Fruits and vegetables should always be cleaned and peeled, and seeds or pits should be removed. When handling fruits and vegetables that come into contact with the ground, use extra caution. They might include food poisoning-causing botulinum spores.
  • You shouldn’t introduce cow milk to your baby’s diet until they are 12 months old. Your infant doesn’t get the proper nutrients from cow milk.
  • Healthy 7-month-old babies typically require little to no water.
  • For the first year, stay away from honey in any form as it can lead to a particular kind of botulism.
  • Avoid putting your 7-month-old baby to sleep with a bottle in their mouth. Choking and ear infections have been connected to propping the bottle.

FAQs – 7 Month Baby Food Plan

1. Which foods are ideal for a 7-month-old baby?

The food in the 7-month-old baby diet doesn’t change much as compared to the 6 months. A 7-month-old baby food chart suggests continuing breastfeeding as it is the best for the child’s growth and immunity. Although a 7-month-old baby food chart for Indians must include scrambled eggs, lentil soup, and soft cheese. Khichdi is also an ideal food for not only a 7-month-old baby but babies of all ages and it contains a lot of nutrition. Fruit puree should also be a part of a 7-month baby diet chart. Fruits like Chikoo, apple, and watermelon are important. Dal with rice, tofu & rice water are also highly recommended for a 7-month-old baby.

2. Can a 7-month-old baby eat eggs?

Yes, you can add eggs to the 7-month-old baby diet chart in the form of scrambled eggs. It is highly recommended to add eggs to the 7-month-old baby food chart as it is a great source of protein.

3. Which foods ought to be avoided by a 7-month-old?

There are a few things that are a big no-no in the 7-month-old baby food chart for Indians as well as for any other kids. Some food could be choking and some of them have a problem with digestion for a child. Cow’s milk and Soy milk must be avoided as the child can’t digest them and it also causes kidney issues if consumed in the first year of the child’s life, breastfeeding is a better option to opt for. Avoid fried food times, and sugary items in the 7-month baby diet chart. Moreover, avoid giving them uncooked vegetables, Nuts, Meat, and also fruits like grapes and dates should be avoided.

4. What meals can I give my 7-month-old baby?

Meals that can be given in the 7-month-old baby diet chart are scrambled eggs, soft cheese, lentil soup sooji ki kheer, applesauce, Fruit puree, and khichdi can be given to a 7-month-old baby.

5. Can I include grains in my 7-month-old baby’s diet?

Yes, You can include whole grains in a 7 month old baby food list.

6. Can I start introducing protein-rich foods to my 7-month-old?

Obviously yes, you can introduce protein-rich foods in the diet plan for 7 month baby.

7. How many meals for a 7 month old baby is suitable?

You can provide 3 meals a day with breakfast, lunch, and snacks to 7 month-old-baby.

Do leave a comment if you have any queries related to the Indian Diet Plan for a 7-month-old Baby.

Happy Parenting!

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About Isha Ahuja

I am Isha Ahuja, Nutritionist and Weight Loss Consultant. I am blessed with an angel who is 3 years old. In all the stages of my life till date I feel “PARENTING” is the toughest of all. This is the stage where every single parent wants the best for their tiny ones. No matter what professional/non- professional backgrounds we belong to when we become a mommy its altogether a new journey and a new research that we have to start be it breastfeeding, weaning, toilet training and everything related to upbringing of a baby. So, here I am to share my experiences and advises with the new parents which can help you all in raising your tiny ones and giving them the best what they deserve.

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Complete 7-Month Baby Food Chart | Buding Star (2024)
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