Jason Todd (Under the Red Hood) (2024)


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Batman: Under the Red Hood
  • 2 Powers and Abilities
  • 3 Behind the Scenes
  • 4 Gallery


Batman: Under the Red Hood[]

Jason Todd was a street orphan who was caught by Batman stealing the tires off the Batmobile. Impressed with the kid's skills and hoping to turn him away from a life of crime, Batman took Jason in and trained him to become the second Robin.

Jason was eager to be the second Boy Wonder, and on his first assignment helped Batman bring down the Riddler. While stopping the Riddler, Jason proceeded to give a "riddle" to the criminal mastermind where he asked him what is "green and purple, but covered in red and yellow?" before disabling the Riddler by kicking him in the groin and then pinning him to the ground, answering the riddle as it being "[Jason], after [he] land[s] on [Riddler's] sorry butt". Ηowever, Batman noticed Jason displaying excessive force and a darker outlook when it came to crime-fighting. One particular incident was on another of Jason's first assignments to bring down Two-Face, where it was discovered that Jason's father started working as one of Two-Face's thugs following his parole, only to be killed by his boss after double-crossing him. This revelation fuels Jason's anger, but he was able to master it and leave Two-Face to be arrested, much to Batman's pride.

As the years past though, Jason's anger got a little more rough, which also ended up causing some friction between him and Batman. One such incident was attacking the ringleader of a drug/sex ring and not only defeating him, but also elbowing his collarbone hard enough to shatter it, which resulted in a severe telling off from Batman due to the injury causing the kingpin to go into shock and thus leaving Batman unable to actually interrogate him for any information on his activities. Although Jason ultimately conceded Batman's scolding in terms of foiling an interrogation attempt, he refused to apologize for nearly killing the ringleader, citing that he deserved it.

Eventually, Ra's al Ghul hired the Joker to distract Batman and Jason while he toppled the economy in Europe. To accomplish this task, the Joker set up a reunion between Jason and his birth mother, who was working as an aid worker in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and blackmailed her into applying the clown with medical supplies and had her killed afterwards. Attempting to prove himself to the Dark Knight, Jason pursued the Joker while Batman prevented his henchmen from carrying out the Clown Prince's havoc, but eventually found himself overtaken and held captive and beaten with a crowbar enough times that the Joker even speculated that the boy developed pneumothorax, although he still showed enough defiance to spit up blood on the Joker's face and smirk afterward.

Before Batman could get to their location, Joker departed, trapped Jason inside the warehouse, with a bomb the Joker had set up exploding just as the Dark Knight arrived on the scene. Jason perished instantly. With the unnecessary death of Jason weighing on Ra's mind, his guilt drove him to secretly take Jason's corpse, and immerse the body in a Lazarus Pit in order to bring Jason back to life. However, the Pit had affected Jason's mind, and he in his madness overpowered Ra's guards and jumped out escaping. Ra's found no body and thought that the boy was deceased, but felt he had meddled enough.

Years later, Jason returned to Gotham using the past alias of the Joker, the Red Hood, with the main difference being that Joker's Red Hood getup was more of a maitre'd style while Jason's was more of a motorcycle fetish. Jason, bitter at Batman for failing to avenge his murder at the hands of the Joker by killing him (and to a lesser extent his failing to kill the Joker in general despite the carnage the psychopath had repeatedly caused, including some crippled friends), planned to avenge his own murder by confronting his killer, while meanwhile putting an end to Black Mask's criminal empire. Jason took up a more aggressive type of crime fighting as the Red Hood. He managed to interfere with the drug trafficking of Black Mask's operations, eventually letting them continue after anonymously calling them into the meeting under the condition that he get a share of the profits and that they don't sell drugs to children, also showcasing a bag full of decapitated heads of their lieutenants (the sight of which caused one of the kingpins to have an uncontrollable urge to vomit in shock and disgust at the sight) as a strict warning of what happens if they didn't heed his warning (which he claimed he did in under two hours). When one of the men tried to threaten him by claiming there were "a million ways to die", Red Hood sarcastically quipped that one of those ways included yelling at the person holding an assault rifle (referring to himself).

He also ordered for some criminals to steal an advanced robot from Black Mask called Amazo, and eventually assassinated them when they came close to exposing his existence. Red Hood then lured Batman and Nightwing to the ACE Chemicals Plant and then escaped, although not before cryptically remarking to Batman that it was the site of the Dark Knight's first failure. In order to ensure Batman didn't pursue him, Red Hood also proceeded to shoot the leaking fuel of his abandoned convertible, causing a chain reaction that forced the Caped Crusader to flee the doomed chemical plant without his quarry.

Despite the dropoff point as well as security being doubled from Red Hood's prior actions, the vigilante (upon learning of this via a bug in Black Mask's office) later managed to hijack another weapons shipment from Black Mask (this time containing ten cases of assorted SMGs and PDWs, along with 5000 .45 caliber ATG rounds [Black Mask's favorite] as well two cases of RPGs and some cases of C-4) by disguising himself as one of his henchmen and tying up the other henchmen sent to wait for the shipment while making it seem as though they were simply standing there, although he was prevented from escaping by chopper. He then lured Batman and Nightwing to the train station and detonated an explosive, injuring Nightwing in the process (Breaking his leg because of explosion). He then departed under the cover of an incoming train via motorcycle, although not before telling Batman that he hasn't lost his touch, while also dropping the name of his true identity: Bruce Wayne, as a hint towards Red Hood's potential identity.

He eventually arrives, saving one of his drug dealers while killing one of the dealer's would-be assassins by shooting the molotov co*cktail while it was still in his hand, and fought against the Fearsome Hand of Four mercenary group hired to take a hit on Red Hood. However, he later reveals that he had been stalling as he had contacted Batman to aid him in subduing them. After it seemed all of them were defeated and knocked out, Red Hood mentioned he missed working with Batman, but then shoved Batman out of the way when the cycloped assassin fired on them, resulting in Red Hood being held at the assassin's mercy (who planned to blow his head off with his laser beam at point-blank range).

However, Red Hood managed to electrocute his would-be assassin directly on his face while the latter was distracted with trying to ward off Batman's threatening to use a taser (also quipping immediately beforehand, in reference to his assassin's remark that Batman will have to eliminate them both in an attempted human shield, that such was most likely Batman's plan), resulting in his head exploding. Batman and Red Hood then got into an argument regarding the latter's killing one of the assassins, with Red Hood eventually stating his motives of getting rid of all crime, even resorting to murder since those who are immune to Batman's fear tactics can't be dealt with any other way. Batman then tried to offer to help Red Hood, but Red Hood, although pausing to consider this offer, ultimately refused, citing that it was too late and that Batman "already had his chance." He then left under the cover of a smoke grenade, although not before ominously telling Batman that he himself is "just getting started."

Eventually, he arrives at Black Mask's office with a modified rocket launcher equipped with a laser scope specifically to get Black Mask to notice him before firing at him. This resulted in Black Mask using his connections to release the Joker from Arkham Asylum in a desperate effort to kill the Red Hood. This, however, resulted in the Joker capturing all of Red Hood's drug dealers, as well as imprisoning Black Mask and Ms. Lu with the intention of luring Red Hood to him and torching them. Red Hood arrives, and admits that he was actually behind Joker's release, revealing his prior actions against Black Mask were specifically to get Black Mask desperate enough to release Joker and thus ensure their "reunion."

Red Hood then interfered with Batman's attempt at capturing the Joker, and then brought him to an abandoned apartment complex (also informing Batman when he attempted to get Joker back that he has him, and that they should meet at Crime Alley if Batman wants him), where he proceeded to dish out revenge to Joker by beating him with a crowbar, just as the Joker had done to him years before, as well as cryptically stating that the reason he and Joker knew one another was because Joker effectively helped create him.

He eventually confronted Batman at Crime Alley, the origin place of Batman himself, and fought him in a huge battle, eventually resulting in Red Hood unmasking himself to Batman, although his equipment got destroyed. He also implies while fighting Batman that his more violent approach was indeed his regular nature rather than simply the result of a botched revival from the Lazarus Pit. He and Batman then fought all the way to the apartment complex. He then tells Batman, while bewildered that Batman believes he's angered because he failed to save him earlier, that he forgives him for not saving him, but then demands to know, after kicking down the door to Joker's hiding spot, why Batman spared Joker despite not only killing him, but also the pain and misery he has inflicted in general.

He then learns that he doesn't because Batman fears that by doing so, he may go beyond any hope of redemption and become no different than the criminals he faces. Jason then attempts to force Batman to either kill the Joker, let Jason kill the Joker, or otherwise shoot Jason. Batman refused, and Jason, trying to force Batman to act, then shoots at him while his back is turned. However, Batman threw a batarang at his gun, resulting in it detonating in his hand and wounding him. Jason then activates a cache of explosions inside the fireplace, and collapses after witnessing Joker try to prevent Batman from disarming the explosives to ensure all three die in the explosion as what Joker wanted, only for Joker to be knocked out by Batman.

While the Joker survived the explosion, this time Batman was able to rescue Jason, who disappeared as the Dark Knight emerged from the rubble. Alfred later asked if Bruce wanted Jason's memorial removed from the cave, but the latter decided to keep it, as even in the wake of Jason's return, he had still failed. Alfred then reflected on how delighted Jason was to be Robin, which only added to Bruce's tragic guilt. Sometime later, Batman, or rather, Bruce Wayne relays the above events to Clark Kent during a meal, with their deciding to try and find Jason, and help him back to sanity.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Lazarus-Enhanced Capabilities:As a result of his resurrection using theLazarus Pit, he no longer ages & regenerates from injuries at a very fast rate, allowing him to cheat death on several different occasions. His strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, durability, and metabolism/immune system have been enhanced even further.
  • Peak Human Conditioning:As a result of years of intense and extensive training, special dieting plans, and the usage of numerous meditation techniques while under the careful watch of Batman, on top of his training post resurrection, Jason has achieved peak human condition. By matching his former mentor in combat he has proven that he is far superior to Olympic-level athletes, just as Batman is. His strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, durability, endurance, healing, and senses are practically superhuman; nearing the limits of a super-soldier’s inhuman capabilities. He represents the pinnacle of human physical potential/perfection much like Batman and Nightwing.
    • Peak Human Strength:Jason's strength is at the peak of human potential. He is strong enough to break through a submarine hull with a single punch, effortlessly lift a man over his head with one hand and throw him several meters through an airplane window, casually kick an airplane door off the hinges while it's flying, send Deathstroke flying with a kick, break the neck and arm of a superhuman Talon, throw an alien with one hand, flip Susie Sue on her head (she weighs over 600 lbs), hold the roof of a collapsed building and support the weight of a enormous cruise missile for an extended period of time. Red Hood's strength and brute force is comparable, if not equal to Batman's and is practically superhuman; showcased when he cut a dinosaur's head off with one slice, overpowered a large group of Venom-users, struck Lobo to the floor, leg flipped Bane on his head even Supergirl commented that "he is far stronger than any human" and "no human should be this powerful". This type of strength also extends to his legs, allowing him to jump very high heights and leap long distances. Using highly effective muscle control, Red Hood can apply practically superhuman force in his physical attacks to match Meta-human super-soldiers like Ravager (who easily has the strength of 10 men, possibly a dozen or more).
    • Peak Human Speed:He can run and move at incredible speeds comparable to the finest human athletes, much faster than normal humans. He has outran a moving vehicle and hit Green Arrow before he can even react. While unarmed Jason once blitzed an entire GCPD SWAT team before anyone could even pull the trigger. Red Hood has been noted to have superior combat speed than Tim Drake, as he admitted that Jason is a faster fighter than himself. Jason's speed allows him to be more than fast enough to stab Onyx so fast she didn't even notice. His fastest feats of speed to date is accurately shooting a gang of thugs faster than the eye can follow, despite guns already being aimed at him, and evading superhumanly fast spear strikes from an ancient-enhanced martial artist so fast he formed multiple afterimages behind him. He is faster than Batman, but not Nightwing.
    • Peak Human Stamina:His highly trained and developed body generates considerably less fatigue toxins and is much more resistant to fatigue toxins than normal humans, granting him exceptional endurance and lung capacity. His lung capacity is so great that he can hold his breath underwater for extended periods of time with little to no strain at all. He can exert himself at peak capacity without slowing down for several hours before showing signs of fatigue or began tiring, even if he is extremely exhausted physically and mentally.
    • Peak Human Agility:Jason's agility is greater than that of a Chinese acrobat and superior to any Olympic-gold athlete gymnast that has ever competed. He can coordinate his body with flawless balance, equilibrium, flexibility, bodily coordination and dexterity. This agility allows him to have a lot of midair maneuverability and perform gymnastic and acrobatic moves that would be very difficult or impossible for normal humans, such as easily front-flipping through a narrow window and flipping around gunfire as a teenage Robin. Jason can vertical jump at least 10-15ft in the air without a running start, possibly more when pushed. Red Hood has been shown keeping up with an acrobatic-Talon that possesses speed and agility to that of Nightwing. He used gymnastic and acrobatic agility to survive a fall Starfire surely thought would kill him. Even Batman made a mental note to himself; commenting that he isn't just fast, but agile as well.
    • Peak Human Reflexes:Similar to his speed, his reflexes and reaction time is honed to an extraordinary rate and is seemingly superhuman; and is far superior to normal humans. He is capable of quickly reacting and dodging rapid gunfire at point-blank range from multiple gunmen while evading simultaneous attacks from multiple enemies on many occasions, though he can get hit if there are to many to evade. Jason's reflexes allow him to casually weave through machine-gun fire on a regular basis and block an arrow with his knife.
    • Peak Human Durability:His muscles and bones are far tougher and vastly denser than ordinary humans; making him extremely durable to certain degrees, enough that he can tolerate massive amounts of physical pain and damage. His physique which is rigorously trained to the uttermost human limit and is extremely tough and resistant to damage, which allows him to survived dangers that would have killed most other people, like being slammed straight through thick reinforced concrete with little to no injury. He is able to withstand being stabbed and shot multiple times. He's survived being blasted with a bazooka, multiple nuclear explosions underwater, being set ablaze by a flamethrower, and withstood blows from superhuman opponents such asDeathstroke, Frankenstein, Bane (on venom) and more
    • Peak Human Metabolism:Red Hood's natural healing, metabolism, immune system, are at the highest limits of human potential, which means he can heal much faster than normal humans, he is able to heal broken bones, fractures, torn muscles, gunshot, knife, puncture wounds and other major injuries all within a few weeks and minor injuries like cuts, scrapes and burns within a few hours to days. His immune system fights off microbes, infections, disorders, illnesses, sicknesses far better than normal (but is not immune). His healing time is very short, as he recovered from a broken back within an unknown amount of weeks. After undergoing the same treatment as the Joker, with the chemical compound Dionesium.Red Hood has developed the ability to recover from almost any injury, like acid being poured in his eyes. This included healing himself fully from all the scars and trauma he acquired over the years, increasing his strength and speed.
  • Master Martial Artist- Being taught by Batman about martial arts during his days of being Robin, Jason is a master martial artist himself, though he can't outmatch Batman himself during the fight. He displayed most of these skills during his fight with the Fearsome Hand of Four.
  • Expert Weapons Master- Jason displays heavy weaponry skills when he used two pistols, an AK-47, and a knife. Jason masters most weapons that he uses to kill criminals, mostly placing bombs on one of the members on the Fearsome Hand of Four, throwing a barrage of shurikens at Batman, or kill one of his attackers with a taser or electrocute Batman in his line. He also used a rocket launcher used in an attempt to kill Black Mask.
  • Expert Marksman- Jason displayed excellent marksmanship, when he shot a hydrogen tank after throwing it at Batman, as well as shooting leaking chemicals to start a chain reaction at ACE chemicals during his and Batman's first encounter.
  • Expert Knifeman- Jason also displayed excellent knife skills in combat, as evidenced by his fights with Batman, where he not only managed to cut the line, but also pin Batman's cape and eventually cut off his belt and briefly slice his neck. This had also been demonstrated earlier when he managed to cut a rope right before it could go taut on his foot, which is heavily implied to be a carry-over from his time as Robin. Similarly, in one possible timeline where Batman ended up dying instead of him, he also managed to fatally stab a disguised Joker in the eye with a butter knife at a quick enough speed that Joker could not react in time.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Batman: Under the Red Hood was Jason Todd's first media appearance.
  • Bruce Timm instructed Judd Winick to include the Death in the Family prologue for viewers unfamiliar with Jason Todd's character.
  • The film ignores Superboy Prime punching the walls of reality in Infinite Crisis, and uses the Lazarus Pit as the sole reason for Jason's revival, while in the comics the pit was used to cure brain damage he received during his resurrection. As all of the Crisis' have been retconned following the DCnU, The Film's explanation has been translated into the mainstream comic books.
  • The blood sample names for when Jason died and the Red Hood, 00428 and 00635, are references to the issues where he died and when he returned as the Red Hood, respectively.
  • The uniform used by Jason Todd during his teenaged years and his death at the hands of the Joker was actually Tim Drake's uniform.
  • The decapitated heads were not directly shown in Batman: Under the Red Hood during the scene where Red Hood convinces the kingpins to side with him, but strongly inferred. It wasn't until a flashback in A Death in the Family (specifically, during the Jason still becomes Red Hood despite Batman's death scenario) that showed them on-screen.


Jason Todd (Under the Red Hood) (2024)
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